- log-roll
- ˈlɔɡrəul гл.;
амер. оказывать взаимные услуги (в политике) ;
взаимно восхвалять (в печати) v амер. оказывать взаимные услуги (в политике) ;
взаимно восхвалять (в печати)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
log´roll´er — log|roll «LG ROHL, LOG », Informal. –v.t. to get (a bill) passed by logrolling. –v.i. to take part in logrolling. ╂[American English; back formation < logrolling] –log´roll´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
log|roll — «LG ROHL, LOG », Informal. –v.t. to get (a bill) passed by logrolling. –v.i. to take part in logrolling. ╂[American English; back formation < logrolling] –log´roll´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
log|roll|ing — «LG ROH lihng, LOG », noun. 1. the act of giving political aid in return for a like favor, especially in order to pass legislation: »Our logrolling, our stumps and their politics…are yet unsung (Emerson). 2. a) the act of rolling floating logs,… … Useful english dictionary
log-roll — … Useful english dictionary
Pecan log roll — A pecan log roll is a confectionery popularized by the roadside convenience store, Stuckey s.Pecan log rolls are described by the company s website as fluffy, cherry laced nougat wrapped in fresh caramel and pecans. External links*… … Wikipedia
log — log·an; log·a·rithm; log·a·rith·mic; log; log·ger; log·ger·head; log·ger·head·ed; log·gets; log·gia; log·gish; log·i·cal; log·i·cal·i·ty; log·i·cal·iza·tion; log·i·cal·ize; log·i·cism; log·i·cize; log·ic·less; log·i·co ; log·ics; log·man;… … English syllables
roll — bank·roll·er; car·roll·ite; en·roll; en·roll·ee; en·roll·ment; in·roll; jack·roll; jack·roll·er; log·roll; log·roll·ing; re·roll; roll; roll·able; roll·er; roll·er·man; roll·man; roll·mops; un·roll; roll·ing; log·roll·er; roll·ing·ly; … English syllables
Roll slitting — Roll slitting, also known as log slitting, is a shearing operation that cuts a large roll of material into narrower rolls. The log slitting terminology refers back to the olden days of saw mills when they would cut logs into smaller sections.… … Wikipedia
Roll It — Roll It/Roll It Gal Alison Hinds J Status feat. Rihanna Shontelle Shontelle Veröffentlichung 18. März 2007 Länge 3:58 Genre(s) Reggae, R B … Deutsch Wikipedia
Log scaler — The log scaler is an occupation in the timber industry. The Log Scaler measures the cut trees to determine the scale (volume) of the wood to be used for manufacturing. There are several different scales or rules that are used to determine the… … Wikipedia
roll — 1 verb 1 ROUND OBJECT (intransitive always + adv/prep, transitive) if something that is round rolls or if you roll it, it moves along a surface by turning over and over: The ball rolled into the street. | roll sth: Maybe we can roll the log to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English