Смотреть что такое "log-head" в других словарях:
log-head — logˈ head noun A blockhead • • • Main Entry: ↑log … Useful english dictionary
log — log·an; log·a·rithm; log·a·rith·mic; log; log·ger; log·ger·head; log·ger·head·ed; log·gets; log·gia; log·gish; log·i·cal; log·i·cal·i·ty; log·i·cal·iza·tion; log·i·cal·ize; log·i·cism; log·i·cize; log·ic·less; log·i·co ; log·ics; log·man;… … English syllables
Head (Unix) — head утилита в head /var/log/messages Изменить количество выводимых строк можно указав ключ n <количество строк>: head n 20 /var/log/messages или <количество строк>: head 20 /var/log/messages Зачастую используется в качестве элемента… … Википедия
Head saw — A head saw, gang saw or head rig, is the saw that makes the initial cuts in a log at a sawmill, turning a log into cants, or planks, of wood. HistoryThe original powered head saw was composed of long, narrow blades that used an up and down motion … Wikipedia
Log-structured file system — A log structured filesystem is a file system design first proposed by John K. Ousterhout and Fred Douglis. Designed for high write throughput, all updates to data and metadata are written sequentially to a continuous stream, called a log.… … Wikipedia
head (Unix) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Head. head утилита в UNIX и UNIX подобных системах, выводящая первые n строк из файла, по умолчанию n равно 10: head /var/log/messages Изменить количество выводимых строк можно указав ключ n … Википедия
head — arrow·head; beach·head; be·head; be·head·al; bir·ken·head; block·head·ism; blunt·head; bog·head; bonnet·head; bra·den·head; bulk·head·ed; bull·head·ed·ly; bull·head·ed·ness; chow·der·head; chuck·le·head·ed; cop·per·head·ism; dou·ble·head·er;… … English syllables
Log-structured File System (BSD) — The Log Structured File System (or LFS) is an implementation of a log structured file system (a concept originally proposed and implemented by John Ousterhout), originally developed for BSD. It was removed from FreeBSD and OpenBSD; the NetBSD… … Wikipedia
log — 01. The frog hopped off the [log] into the water. 02. The children spent the day exploring the beach, and building a fort out of [logs]. 03. He threw a [log] onto the fire, causing a shower of sparks to fall on the dry grass. 04. The old man… … Grammatical examples in English
Log house moulder — A log house moulder is a machine to prepare logs to be suitable for building a log home. In general, the logs are first sawn to a square beam, then the moulder makes the groove. Often fitted to a portable sawmill that enables direct profiling of… … Wikipedia
head-on — {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. With the head or front pointing at; with the front facing; front end to front end. * /Our car skidded into a head on crash with the truck./ * /In the fog the boat ran head on into a log./ * /There is a head on view of the … Dictionary of American idioms