log similarity

log similarity
сходство каротажных диаграмм

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "log similarity" в других словарях:

  • log — Noun. A lump of excrement. From its vague similarity to a to a sawn tree trunk …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • Oonche Log — Directed by Brij Produced by R.K. Kapoor Sayeeda Sadanah R.P. Sharma Written by Anjaan(lyrics) Starring Rajesh …   Wikipedia

  • Semantic relatedness — Computational Measures of Semantic Relatedness are [http://cwl projects.cogsci.rpi.edu/msr/ publically available] means for approximating the relative meaning of words/documents. These have been used for essay grading by the Educational Testing… …   Wikipedia

  • Nearest neighbor search — (NNS), also known as proximity search, similarity search or closest point search, is an optimization problem for finding closest points in metric spaces. The problem is: given a set S of points in a metric space M and a query point… …   Wikipedia

  • Mandelbrot set — Initial image of a Mandelbrot set zoom sequence with a continuously coloured environment …   Wikipedia

  • Locality sensitive hashing — (LSH) is a method of performing probabilistic dimension reduction of high dimensional data. The basic idea is to hash the input items so that similar items are mapped to the same buckets with high probability (the number of buckets being much… …   Wikipedia

  • Kadir Brady saliency detector — The Kadir Brady saliency detector is designed to detect representative region in images. It performs well in the context of object class recognition. It was invented by http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/ timork/ Timor Kadir] and [http://www.robots.ox.ac …   Wikipedia

  • Corner detection — Feature detection Output of a typical corner detection algorithm …   Wikipedia

  • Normalized Google distance — Google distance is a semantic similarity measure derived from the number of hits returned by the Google search engine for a given set of keywords. Keywords with the same or similar meanings in a natural language sense tend to be close in units of …   Wikipedia

  • Dimension fractale — Mesure de la dimension fractale de la côte de Grande Bretagne En géométrie fractale, la dimension fractale, D, est une grandeur qui a vocation à traduire la façon qu a un ensemble fractal de remplir l espace, à toutes les échelles. Dans le cas… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Riemann zeta function — ζ(s) in the complex plane. The color of a point s encodes the value of ζ(s): dark colors denote values close to zero and hue encodes the value s argument. The white spot at s = 1 is the pole of the zeta function; the black spots on the… …   Wikipedia

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