
ˈlɔdʒmənt = lodgement (книжное) помещение, жилище;
приют - to find * найти приют - he found *s in the city он подыскал себе жилье в городе - the idea found * in his mind эта мысль прочно засела в его мозгу (военное) (историческое) казарма;
квартиры для солдат (редкое) меблированные комнаты скопление (чего-л.) ;
отложение (чего-л.) - a * of dirt in a pipe засорение /забивка/ трубы (юридическое) внесение денег в депозит (юридическое) подача (жалобы, заявления и т. п.) (военное) закрепление на захваченной позиции (военное) плацдарм - to make /to find/ a * закрепиться /обосноваться/ на позиции (военное) (историческое) ложемент (горное) водосборник, зумпфштрек lodgment = lodgement

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lodgment" в других словарях:

  • Lodgment — Lodg ment, n. [Written also {lodgement}.] [Cf. F. logement. See {Lodge}, v.] 1. The act of lodging, or the state of being lodged. [1913 Webster] Any particle which is of size enough to make a lodgment afterwards in the small arteries. Paley.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lodgment — index address, building (structure), domicile, dwelling, habitation (act of inhabiting), habitation (dwelling place) …   Law dictionary

  • lodgment — lodg‧ment [ˈlɒdʒmənt ǁ ˈlɑːdʒ ] also lodgement noun [countable, uncountable] BANKING an amount of money that is paid into a bank account, or the act of paying money into a bank account; = DEPOSIT: • Interest can be earned from the lodgement of… …   Financial and business terms

  • lodgment — [läj′mənt] n. [Fr logement] 1. a lodging or being lodged 2. a lodging place 3. an accumulation of deposited material, often in the nature of an obstruction 4. Mil. a foothold gained in territory held by the enemy: Also sp. lodgement …   English World dictionary

  • lodgment — or lodgement noun Date: 1598 1. a. a lodging place ; shelter b. accommodations, lodgings < found lodgment in the city > 2. a. the act, fact, or manner of lodging < a hut for temporary lodgment of cattlemen > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • lodgment — noun 1. bringing a charge or accusation against someone • Syn: ↑lodgement • Derivationally related forms: ↑lodge (for: ↑lodgement) • Hypernyms: ↑allegation 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • lodgment — A designated area in a hostile or potentially hostile territory that, when seized and held, makes the continuous landing of troops and materiel possible and provides maneuver space for subsequent operations. See also hostile …   Military dictionary

  • lodgment — /loj meuhnt/, n. 1. the act of lodging. 2. the state of being lodged. 3. something lodged or deposited. 4. Mil. a position or foothold gained from an enemy, or an entrenchment made upon it. 5. a lodging place; rooming house. 6. accommodations;… …   Universalium

  • lodgment — noun /ˈlɑdʒmənt/ a) An area used for lodging. b) The condition of being lodged …   Wiktionary

  • lodgment — lodg·ment || lÉ‘dÊ’mÉ™nt / lÉ’d n. act of staying in a place overnight; act of being lodged; deposit, something entrusted; position built on conquered enemy land; place for lodging, inn …   English contemporary dictionary

  • lodgment — n 1. boarding, lodging, quartering, housing, sheltering. 2. accumulation, collection, aggregation, compilation, assemblage, accretion, profusion, conglomeration; amassing, gathering, hoarding; pile, stock, stockpile, heap, bulk, fund; harvest,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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