- lodestar
- ˈləudstɑ: сущ.
1) звезда, используемая для ориентирования (особ. полярная звезда)
2) путеводная звезда (перен.) Полярная звезда ориентирующая звезда путеводная звезда
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lodestar — est un groupe de musique. Historique Après le succès de l album Stacked up de Senser, des divergences voient le jour au sein du groupe, qui se concluent par une séparation. Le chanteur et le batteur partent former Lodestar de leur côté.… … Wikipédia en Français
lodestar — lode·star / lōd ˌstär/ n [perhaps from the notion of the lodestar as a guiding light or principle]: the amount obtained by multiplying the reasonable amount of hours spent by an attorney working on a case by the reasonable hourly billing rate for … Law dictionary
Lodestar — Lode star , n. Same as {Loadstar}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lodestar — late 14c. (late 13c. as a surname), an old name for the pole star (Cf. O.N. leiðarstjarna) as the star that leads the way in navigation; from LODE (Cf. lode) (n.) + STAR (Cf. star) (n.). Figurative use from late 14c … Etymology dictionary
lodestar — lodestar, lodestone are the preferred spellings, not load … Modern English usage
lodestar — ► NOUN ▪ a star that is used to guide the course of a ship, especially the pole star … English terms dictionary
lodestar — [lōd′stär΄] n. [ME lodesterre: see LODE & STAR] 1. a star by which one directs one s course; esp., the North Star 2. a guiding principle or ideal … English World dictionary
Lodestar — A lodestar is a relatively bright, easily found, star that is used to find direction, particularly with reference to Polaris, which during the 20th and 21st centuries indicates the direction to the north within a fraction of a degree. (Due to the … Wikipedia
lodestar — UK [ˈləʊdˌstɑː(r)] / US [ˈloʊdˌstɑr] noun Word forms lodestar : singular lodestar plural lodestars 1) [countable] mainly literary a principle that always influences or directs your actions 2) [singular] the North Star … English dictionary
Lodestar — Loadstar Load star , Lodestar Lode star , n. [Load, lode + star. See {Lode}.] 1. A star that leads; a guiding star; esp., the polestar, Polaris; also, the constellation containing the pole star, the cynosure (Ursa Minor). Chaucer. Your eyes are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lodestar — noun especially literary 1 (singular) a principle or fact that guides someone: the economic lodestar for achieving low interest rates 2 the pole star, used as a guide by sailors … Longman dictionary of contemporary English