Смотреть что такое "loculicidal" в других словарях:
Loculicidal — Loc u*li*ci dal, a. [L. loculus cell + caedere to cut: cf. F. loculicide.] (Bot.) Dehiscent through the middle of the back of each cell; said of capsules. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
loculicidal — [läk΄yo͞o li sīd′ l] adj. [< LOCULUS + i + CIDAL] Bot. splitting open along the midribs of the carpels of which it is formed: said of a capsule … English World dictionary
loculicidal — adjective Etymology: New Latin loculus + Latin cidere to cut, from caedere Date: circa 1819 dehiscing longitudinally so as to bisect each loculus < loculicidal fruit > … New Collegiate Dictionary
loculicidal — loculicidally, adv. /lok yeuh leuh suyd l/, adj. Bot. (of a capsule) splitting lengthwise so as to divide each locule into two parts. [1810 20; LOCUL(US) + I + CIDAL] * * * … Universalium
loculicidal — loc·u·li·ci·dal … English syllables
loculicidal — loc•u•li•cid•al [[t]ˌlɒk yə ləˈsaɪd l[/t]] adj. bot (of a capsule) splitting lengthwise so as to divide each locule into two parts • Etymology: 1810–20; locul (us) + i + L cīd(ere), comb. form ofcaedereto strike, split (cf. cide) + al I loc… … From formal English to slang
loculicidal — … Useful english dictionary
Dehiscence (botany) — Dehiscence of the follicular fruit of milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) revealing seeds within. Dehiscence is the opening, at maturity, in a pre defined way, of a plant structure, such as a fruit, anther, or sporangium, to release its contents.… … Wikipedia
Glossary of botanical terms — Many of the terms used in Wikipedia glossaries (often most) are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, lists like the following indicate where new articles need to be written and are also useful for looking up and… … Wikipedia
Malvaceae — Least Mallow, Malva parviflora Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Gloriosa (genus) — Gloriosa Gloriosa superba Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia