Смотреть что такое "lockbox" в других словарях:
lockbox — lock box , n. A box of strong and durable construction, fitted with a lock, used for the purpose of protecting valuable items, such as money or jewelry; a strongbox. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lockbox — (obsolete) (See post office box) … Glossary of postal terms
lockbox — [läk′bäks΄] n. 1. a box with a lock, used for securing items of value, as a safe deposit box, a strongbox, a post office box, etc. 2. an electronic device which can block designated cable TV channels to prevent viewing by unauthorized persons:… … English World dictionary
lockbox — (1) A cash management arrangement designed to reduce delays in depositing funds into the payee s bank accounts. A post office box that is established by a bank to receive checks for its cash management customers. Lockboxes are utilized to… … Financial and business terms
Lockbox — A collection and processing service provided to firms by banks, which collect payments from a dedicated postal box that the firm directs its customers to send payment to. The banks make several collections per day, process the payments… … Financial and business terms
Lockbox Banking — A service provided by banks to companies for the receipt of payment from customers. Under the service, the payments made by customers are directed to a special post office box, rather than going to the company. The bank will then go to the box,… … Investment dictionary
lockbox — noun Date: 1872 a box (as a post office box, strongbox, or safe deposit box) that locks … New Collegiate Dictionary
lockbox — /lok boks /, n. 1. a strongbox. 2. a rented post office box equipped with a lock. 3. Also called lockout box. Television. a closed box, usually fitted with a lock, containing electronic equipment to unscramble cable television pictures for… … Universalium
lockbox — noun A box with a built in lock … Wiktionary
lockbox — In the USA, a Postal Service box used for the collection of customer payments. The recipient s bank will arrange collection from these boxes throughout the day, deposit the funds, and provide a computer listing of the payments with the daily… … Accounting dictionary
lockbox — In the USA, a Postal Service box used for the collection of customer payments. The recipient s bank will arrange collection from these boxes throughout the day, deposit the funds, and provide a computer listing of the payments with the daily… … Big dictionary of business and management