- lock-up clutch
- муфта блокировки, блокирующая муфта
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
lock-up clutch — Automatically engaged clutch in a lock up torque converter which prevents slipping losses. Also see torque converter lock up clutch … Dictionary of automotive terms
converter lock-up clutch — See torque converter lock up clutch … Dictionary of automotive terms
torque converter lock-up clutch — An automatically engaged clutch in a lock up torque converter which prevents slipping losses … Dictionary of automotive terms
clutch — [1] An electrically operated coupling device that connects or disconnects the compressor pulley and compressor shaft [2] A device that disconnects the engine from the transmission, to allow the vehicle to change gears, and then allows the engine… … Dictionary of automotive terms
lock — [n] device that fastens and bars free passage bar, bolt, bond, catch, clamp, clasp, clinch, connection, fastening, fixture, grapple, grip, hasp, hook, junction, latch, link, padlock; concept 499 Ant. key lock [v] fasten, clasp bar, bolt, button,… … New thesaurus
Clutch — For other uses, see Clutch (disambiguation). Rear side of a Ford V6 engine, looking at the clutch housing on the flywheel … Wikipedia
lock — I n 1. bolt, latch, hook, holdfast, padlock; hasp, pin, peg, bar; fastener, clasp, securer, clincher. 2. catch, ratchet, pawl, brake; safety, safety catch, safety lock, cutoff; [in a firearm) gunlock, discharger, exploder. 3. sluice, sluice gate … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lock — Synonyms and related words: aboideau, accord, agree, air lock, answer to, articulate, assent, assort with, authority, bang, bar, barricade, barrier, batten, batten down, be consistent, be of one, be uniform with, bear hug, bind, block, block up,… … Moby Thesaurus
clutch — n. 1. the part of a profile cylinder which transfers rotational motion from the inside or outside element to a common cam or actuator 2. the feature of a lever handle lockset which allows free movement of the lever when locked 3. the… … Locksmith dictionary
lock ring pliers — Tool for removing and installing heavy duty circlips, used e.g., on brakes, transmissions, pedal shafts, and clutch shafts … Dictionary of automotive terms
Line lock — A line lock is a device that allows you to lock the front brakes independently of the rear brakes via a switch. [http://www.hotrod.com/howto/49619 brake line lock install/index.html] , Installing a Brake Line Lock.]… … Wikipedia