locally normal

locally normal
мат. локально нормальный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "locally normal" в других словарях:

  • Locally normal space — In mathematics, particularly topology, a topological space X is locally normal if intuitively it looks locally like a normal space. More precisely, a locally normal space satisfies the property that each point of the space belongs to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Normal space — Separation Axioms in Topological Spaces Kolmogorov (T0) version T0 | T1 | T2 | T2½ | completely T2 T3 | T3½ | T4 | T5 | T6 In topology and related branches of mathematics, a no …   Wikipedia

  • Locally regular space — In mathematics, particularly topology, a topological space X is locally regular if intuitively it looks locally like a regular space. More precisely, a locally regular space satisfies the property that each point of the space belongs to a subset… …   Wikipedia

  • Normal crossings — In algebraic geometry normal crossings is the property of intersecting geometric objects to do it in a transversal way. Contents 1 Normal crossing divisors 2 Normal crossings singularity 3 Simple normal crossings singularity …   Wikipedia

  • Normal convergence — In mathematics normal convergence is a type of convergence for series of functions. Like absolute convergence, it has the useful property that it is preserved when the order of summation is changed. Contents 1 History 2 Definition 3 Distinctions …   Wikipedia

  • Normal bundle — In differential geometry, a field of mathematics, a normal bundle is a particular kind of vector bundle, complementary to the tangent bundle, and coming from an embedding (or immersion). Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Riemannian manifold 1.2 …   Wikipedia

  • Locally compact group — In mathematics, a locally compact group is a topological group G which is locally compact as a topological space. Locally compact groups are important because they have a natural measure called the Haar measure. This allows one to define… …   Wikipedia

  • Normal coordinates — In differential geometry, normal coordinates at a point p in a differentiable manifold equipped with a symmetric affine connection are a local coordinate system in a neighborhood of p obtained by applying the exponential map to the tangent space… …   Wikipedia

  • Normal family — In mathematics, with special application to complex analysis, a normal family is a pre compact family of continuous functions. Informally, this means that the functions in the family are not exceedingly numerous or widely spread out; rather, they …   Wikipedia

  • Surface normal — Normal vector redirects here. For a normalized vector, or vector of length one, see unit vector. A polygon and two of its normal vectors …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (L) — NOTOC L L (complexity) L BFGS L² cohomology L function L game L notation L system L theory L Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l Intelligence des Lignes Courbes L Hôpital s rule L(R) La Géométrie Labeled graph Labelled enumeration theorem Lack… …   Wikipedia

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