- localizer course
- линия курса курсового маяка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
localizer course — The locus of points, in any given horizontal plane, at which the DDM (difference in depth of modulation) is zero … Aviation dictionary
localizer mode, LOC mode — The operating position of an autopilot in which an aircraft is automatically positioned and held at the center of the localizer course … Aviation dictionary
Localizer — A localizer is one component of an Instrument Landing System (ILS). The localizer provides runway centerline guidance to aircraft. In some cases a localizer is at an angle to the runway usually due to obstructions around the airport. It is then… … Wikipedia
localizer-type directional aid — A NAVAID (navigational aid) used for nonprecision instrument approaches with utility and accuracy comparable to a localizer but which is not a part of a complete ILS (instrument landing system) and is not aligned with the runway. The LDA course… … Aviation dictionary
localizer usable distance — The maximum distance from the localizer transmitter at a specified altitude, as verified by flight inspection, at which reliable course information is continuously received … Aviation dictionary
localizer — kurso radijo švyturys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. course radiobeacon; localizer vok. Landekurssender, m rus. курсовой маяк, m; курсовой радиомаяк, m pranc. radiobalise de guidage d atterrissage, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
course — i. The intended direction of flight. The aircraft heading as measured in the horizontal plane in degrees clockwise from the north. The course is indicated by a single arrow in the air plot. ii. The ILS (instrument landing system) localizer signal … Aviation dictionary
course radiobeacon — kurso radijo švyturys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. course radiobeacon; localizer vok. Landekurssender, m rus. курсовой маяк, m; курсовой радиомаяк, m pranc. radiobalise de guidage d atterrissage, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
localizer — A directional radio beacon which provides to an aircraft an indication of its lateral position relative to a predetermined final approach course. See also instrument landing system … Military dictionary
back course — The course line along the extended centerline of a runway in the opposite direction to the front course, or the localizer course for an ILS (instrument landing system). For an aircraft to approach the instrument runway from the end on which the… … Aviation dictionary
front course sector — The course sector situated on the same side of the localizer as the runway. The sector on the other side is called the back course sector. See back course sector … Aviation dictionary