local trivialization

local trivialization
мат. локальная тривиализация

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "local trivialization" в других словарях:

  • Principal bundle — In mathematics, a principal bundle is a mathematical object which formalizes some of the essential features of a Cartesian product X times; G of a space X with a group G . Analogous to the Cartesian product, a principal bundle P is equipped with… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector bundle — The Möbius strip is a line bundle over the 1 sphere S1. Locally around every point in S1, it looks like U × R, but the total bundle is different from S1 × R (which is a cylinder instead). In mathematics, a vector bundle is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiber bundle — In mathematics, in particular in topology, a fiber bundle (or fibre bundle) is a space which looks locally like a product space. It may have a different global topological structure in that the space as a whole may not be homeomorphic to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Associated bundle — In mathematics, the theory of fiber bundles with a structure group G (a topological group) allows an operation of creating an associated bundle, in which the typical fiber of a bundle changes from F 1 to F 2, which are both topological spaces… …   Wikipedia

  • Connection (principal bundle) — This article is about connections on principal bundles. See connection (mathematics) for other types of connections in mathematics. In mathematics, a connection is a device that defines a notion of parallel transport on the bundle; that is, a way …   Wikipedia

  • Frame bundle — In mathematics, a frame bundle is a principal fiber bundle F(E) associated to any vector bundle E. The fiber of F(E) over a point x is the set of all ordered bases, or frames, for Ex. The general linear group acts naturally on F(E) via a change… …   Wikipedia

  • Affine connection — An affine connection on the sphere rolls the affine tangent plane from one point to another. As it does so, the point of contact traces out a curve in the plane: the development. In the branch of mathematics called differential geometry, an… …   Wikipedia

  • Pullback bundle — In mathematics, a pullback bundle or induced bundle is a useful construction in the theory of fiber bundles. Given a fiber bundle pi; : E rarr; B and a continuous map f : B prime; rarr; B one can define a pullback of E by f as a bundle f * E over …   Wikipedia

  • Ehresmann connection — In differential geometry, an Ehresmann connection (after the French mathematician Charles Ehresmann who first formalized this concept) is a version of the notion of a connection which is defined on arbitrary fibre bundles. In particular, it may… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual bundle — In mathematics, the dual bundle of a vector bundle π : E → X is a vector bundle π* : E* → X whose fibers are the dual spaces to the fibers of E. The dual bundle can be constructed using the associated bundle construction by taking the… …   Wikipedia

  • Jet (mathematics) — In mathematics, the jet is an operation which takes a differentiable function f and produces a polynomial, the truncated Taylor polynomial of f , at each point of its domain. Although this is the definition of a jet, the theory of jets regards… …   Wikipedia

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