local theor
Смотреть что такое "local theor" в других словарях:
BRST quantization — In theoretical physics, BRST quantization (where the BRST refers to Becchi, Rouet, Stora and Tyutin) is a relatively rigorous mathematical approach to quantizing a field theory with a gauge symmetry. Quantization rules in earlier QFT frameworks… … Wikipedia
Valeur sélective inclusive — En biologie évolutive et en psychologie évolutionniste, la valeur sélective inclusive (inclusive fitness en anglais) est la somme des valeurs sélectives classiques d un organisme (le nombre de ses propres enfants qu elle prend en charge et le… … Wikipédia en Français
Self-stabilization — is a concept of fault tolerance in distributed computing. Distributed computing systems are challenging to debug and analyze. As a result, strong properties (properties that hold under a variety of circumstances) of such systems are especially… … Wikipedia
Denotational semantics — In computer science, denotational semantics (initially known as mathematical semantics or Scott–Strachey semantics) is an approach to formalizing the meanings of programming languages by constructing mathematical objects (called denotations)… … Wikipedia
Einselection — is short for environment induced superselection, a nickname coined by Wojciech H. Zurek.Wojciech H. Zurek, Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical, Reviews of Modern Physics 2003, 75, 715 or [http://arxiv.org/abs/quant … Wikipedia
Quantum gravity — is the field of theoretical physics attempting to unify quantum mechanics, which describes three of the fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetism, weak interaction, and strong interaction), with general relativity, the theory of the fourth… … Wikipedia
Group selection — In evolutionary biology, group selection refers to the idea that alleles can become fixed or spread in a population because of the benefits they bestow on groups, regardless of the alleles effect on the fitness of individuals within that group.… … Wikipedia
Butcher group — In mathematics, the Butcher group, named after the New Zealand mathematician John C. Butcher by Hairer Wanner (1974), is an infinite dimensional group first introduced in numerical analysis to study solutions of non linear ordinary differential… … Wikipedia
Microbial cooperation — Microorganisms engage in a wide variety of social interactions, including cooperation. A cooperative behavior is one that benefits an individual (the recipient) other than the one performing the behavior (the actor).[1] This article outlines the… … Wikipedia
Bonobo — For other uses, see Bonobo (disambiguation). Bonobo[1] Bonobos at the Cincinnati Zoo Conservation status … Wikipedia
General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources … Wikipedia