local standard

local standard
стандарт предприятия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "local standard" в других словарях:

  • Local Standard of Rest — Das lokale Ruhesystem (engl.: Local Standard of Rest, kurz LSR) beschreibt in der Astronomie ein fiktives Bezugssystem, dessen Ursprung am gegenwärtigen Ort der Sonne gewählt wird. Dieser Punkt bewegt sich mit der mittleren Geschwindigkeit der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Поясное время Е. Local standard time — 17. Поясное время Е. Local standard time Единое время в пределах часового пояса, исчисляемое в национальной шкале координированного времени и отличающееся от него на целое число часов, равное Источник: ГОСТ 15855 77: Измерения времени и частоты.… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • local standard of rest — a frame of reference for a portion of the universe in which the mean motion of nearby stars is zero. * * * …   Universalium

  • local standard of rest — a frame of reference for a portion of the universe in which the mean motion of nearby stars is zero …   Useful english dictionary

  • Standard Cantonese — is the standard variant of the Cantonese (Yuet) language. It is spoken natively in and around the cities of Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macau in Southern China. Standard Cantonese is the de facto official language of Hong Kong and Macau, and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard German — (German: Hochdeutsch ) is the standard varieties of the German language used as a written language, in formal contexts, and for communication between different dialect areas. Since German is a pluricentric language, there are different varieties… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Mandarin — Standard Mandarin, also known as Standard Spoken Chinese, is the official modern Chinese spoken language used in mainland China and Taiwan, and is one of the four official languages of Singapore.The phonology of Standard Mandarin is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard time — is the result of synchronizing clocks in different geographical locations within a time zone to the same time rather than using the local meridian as in local mean time or solar time. The time so set has come to be defined in terms of offsets… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Spanish — or neutral Spanish is a linguistic variety, or lect, that is considered a correct educated standard for the Spanish language. Standard Spanish is not merely Spanish adjusted to fit in prescriptive molds dictated by a linguistic overseeing… …   Wikipedia

  • Local mean time — is a form of solar time that corrects the variations of local apparent time, forming a uniform time scale at a specific longitude. Its uniformity depends only on the accuracy of the clocks used to measure it.Local mean time was used from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Standard Macedonian — or Literary Macedonian [Victor Freidman. Macedonian , (2001) p. 6] ( mk. Книжевен македонски јазик) [Transliterated, Kniževen makedonski jazik . Also, Литературен македонски јазик ( Literaturen makedonski jazik ).] is the standard variety of the… …   Wikipedia

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