- local representation
- мат. локальное представление
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Representation theory — This article is about the theory of representations of algebraic structures by linear transformations and matrices. For the more general notion of representations throughout mathematics, see representation (mathematics). Representation theory is… … Wikipedia
Local government — refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.[citation needed] The term is used to contrast with offices at nation state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or … Wikipedia
représentation — [ r(ə)prezɑ̃tasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1250; lat. repræsentatio, de repræsentare I ♦ Action de mettre devant les yeux ou devant l esprit de qqn. 1 ♦ Vx ou dr. Production, présentation. Représentation d acte (pouvant servir de titre ou de preuve). ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
REPRÉSENTATION PROPORTIONNELLE — Il y a représentation proportionnelle lorsque la représentation parlementaire des partis reproduit le plus fidèlement possible le nombre des voix que ceux ci ont recueillies dans le pays. Ce mode de scrutin, qui implique la constitution de listes … Encyclopédie Universelle
Local Fields (book) — Local Fields Author(s) Jean Pierre Serre … Wikipedia
Local coordinates — are measurement indices into a local coordinate system or a local coordinate space . A simple example is using house numbers to locate a house on a street; the street is a local coordinate system within a larger system composed of city townships … Wikipedia
Local Authority Investigation Officers Group — (LAIOG) is an organisation involving Local Authority investigators, primarily those involved in the investigation of Housing and Council Tax Benefit fraud. LAIOG is recognised as a representative group in providing information and statistics to,… … Wikipedia
Representation graphique — Représentation graphique La représentation graphique des données permet de faciliter l analyse et l interprétation de ces données. Il faut toutefois prendre garde à ne pas se laisser abuser par des translations de coordonnées et de jeux… … Wikipédia en Français
Local linearity — is a property of differentiable functions that says roughly that if you zoom in on a point on the graph of the function (with equal scaling horizontally and vertically), the graph will eventually look like a straight line with a slope equal to… … Wikipedia
Local quantum field theory — The Haag Kastler axiomatic framework for quantum field theory, named after Rudolf Haag and Daniel Kastler, is an application to local quantum physics of C* algebra theory. It is therefore also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT). The… … Wikipedia
Representation of the People Act 1983 — The Representation of the People Act 1983 changed the British electoral process in the following ways:* Amended the 1969 Representation of the People Act. * Stated that a convicted person cannot vote at any parliamentary or local election whilst… … Wikipedia