local reference
Смотреть что такое "local reference" в других словарях:
Local reference frame — In theoretical physics, a local reference frame (local frame) refers to a coordinate system or frame of reference that is only expected to function over a small region or a restricted region of space or spacetime. The term is most often used in… … Wikipedia
local reference beam holography — vietinio pamatinio pluošto holografija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. local reference beam holography vok. Holographie mit Lokalbezugsbündel, f rus. голографирование с помощью местного опорного пучка, n pranc. holographie à … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Local reference service — Местное справочно информационное обслуживание … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Local Area Augmentation System — The Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) is an all weather aircraft landing system based on real time differential correction of the GPS signal. Local reference receivers send data to a central location at the airport. This data is used to… … Wikipedia
Reference ranges for blood tests — Reference ranges edit in: blood urine CSF feces Reference ranges for blood tests are sets of values used by a health professional to interpret a set of … Wikipedia
Local-loop unbundling — (LLU) is the regulatory process of allowing multiple telecommunications operators use of connections from the telephone exchange s central office to the customer s premises. The physical wire connection between customer and company is known as a… … Wikipedia
Local government — refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.[citation needed] The term is used to contrast with offices at nation state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or … Wikipedia
local — local, ale, aux [ lɔkal, o ] adj. et n. m. • 1314; bas lat. localis I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui concerne un lieu, une région (⇒ régional), lui est particulier. Histoire locale (opposé à générale) . Averses, éclaircies locales, qui se produisent en certains… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Local Emergency Planning Committee — Local Emergency Planning Committees are quasi governmental bodies, generally at the county or municipal level, in the United States. They do not function in actual emergency situations, but attempt to identify and catalogue potential hazards,… … Wikipedia
local development order — (LDO) An order made by a local planning authority extending permitted development rights for certain forms of development, with reference to the relevant local development documents. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international… … Law dictionary
Reference re Farm Products Marketing Act — [1957] S.C.R. 198 is a leading Supreme Court of Canada decision on the Trade and Commerce power allocated to the federal government under section 91(2) of the Constitution Act, 1867. The Court held that the Trade and Commerce power applied not j … Wikipedia