- local part
- мат. локальный элемент (функции)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Local-part — Eine E Mail Adresse ist die eindeutige Absender und Empfängeradresse im E Mail Verkehr. Eine E Mail Adresse, wie sie für den Transport per SMTP im Internet verwendet wird, besteht aus zwei Teilen: Einem lokalen Teil, im Englischen local part… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Local government — refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.[citation needed] The term is used to contrast with offices at nation state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or … Wikipedia
Local government in the United States — is generally structured in accordance with the laws of the various individual states. Typically each state has at least two separate tiers: counties (known in Louisiana as parishes and as boroughs in Alaska), and municipalities. Some states have… … Wikipedia
Local Development Documents — are a set of documents specified in United Kingdom planning law which a Local Planning Authority creates to describe their strategy for development and use of land in their area of authority.Established as part of the Planning and Compulsory… … Wikipedia
Local anesthesia — Intervention MeSH D000772 Local anesthesia is any technique to induce the absence of sensation in part of the body,[1] generally fo … Wikipedia
Local Fields (book) — Local Fields Author(s) Jean Pierre Serre … Wikipedia
Local access and transport area — (LATA) is a term used in U.S. telecommunications regulation. It represents a geographical area of the United States under the terms of the Modification of Final Judgment (MFJ) that precipitated the breakup of the original AT T into the Baby Bells … Wikipedia
Local-loop unbundling — (LLU) is the regulatory process of allowing multiple telecommunications operators use of connections from the telephone exchange s central office to the customer s premises. The physical wire connection between customer and company is known as a… … Wikipedia
Local Exchange Trading Systems — (LETS) also known as LETSystems are local, non profit exchange networks in which goods and services can be traded without the need for printed currency. In some places, e.g. Toronto, the scheme has been called the Local Employment and Trading… … Wikipedia
Local Self-Defence in Lithuania during the Nazi German occupation (1941–1944) — Local Self Defence in Lithuania during the Nazi occupation (1941–1944) consisted of voluntary armed security units under the supervision of the region authorities formed to protect local population from armed Soviet underground. Organization of… … Wikipedia
Local eGovernment — is eGovernment as it relates to local government, police, fire, national park and transport authorities. Local eGovernment in England The UK government’s objective was that all of public services in England should be capable of being delivered… … Wikipedia