local orientation

local orientation
мат. локальная ориентация

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "local orientation" в других словарях:

  • Orientation (computer vision) — In computer vision and image processing a common assumption is that sufficiently small image regions can be characterized as locally one dimensional, e.g., in terms of lines or edges. For natural images this assumption is usually correct except… …   Wikipedia

  • ORIENTATION ANIMALE — Les phénomènes d’orientation comprennent, dans l’ensemble des conduites animales, toute une série de comportements tendant à permettre à un groupe d’animaux d’atteindre une localisation particulière dans l’espace. Une telle définition n’a… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Orientation — may refer to: Orientation (mental), a function of the mind Orientation (film), a 1996 short film produced by the Church of Scientology Orientation of churches is the architectural feature of facing ( orienting ), churches towards the east (Latin …   Wikipedia

  • Orientation week — is the first week of the academic year at a university or other tertiary institution, and a variety of events are held to help orient and welcome new students. It goes by a variety of names in different countries. It is often accompanied by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Orientation (geometry) — This article is about the orientation or attitude of an object in space. For orientation as a property in linear algebra, see Orientation (vector space). Changing orientation of a rigid body is the same as rotating the axes of a reference frame… …   Wikipedia

  • Orientation character — In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, an orientation character on a group π is a group homomorphism . This notion is of particular significance in surgery theory. Contents 1 Motivation 2 …   Wikipedia

  • local religion — Rural society in China is intensely local in orientation, and as a result, villages or clusters of villages often maintain characteristic traditions of religious practice. Religion celebrates local tradition by preserving idiosyncratic festivals …   Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture

  • Orientation galactique — Les amas de galaxies sont des structures à grande échelle de multiples galaxies en interaction gravitationnelle. L évolution de ces agrégats est déterminée par le temps et la manière dont elles se sont formées, ainsi que les processus selon… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Curve orientation — In mathematics, a positively oriented curve is a planar simple closed curve (that is, a curve in the plane whose starting point is also the end point and which has no other self intersections) such that when traveling on it one always has the… …   Wikipedia

  • Create: New Student Orientation — The University of British Columbia s Okanagan campus is located in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Create: New Student Orientation is the campus official welcome to new to UBC students. Contents 1 Create 2 Faculties and Schools involved with… …   Wikipedia

  • Sexual orientation and military service —   Homosexuals and bisexuals allowed to serve in the military …   Wikipedia

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