local loop

local loop
местная линия связи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "local loop" в других словарях:

  • local loop — Also known as the last mile . The fixed copper wires that link a local telephone exchange to the homes of customers. The unbundling of the local loop refers to a process by which an incumbent telecommunications operator is obliged to offer to… …   Law dictionary

  • local loop — noun In a telecommunications system, a pair of wires connecting the customer s premises with the local exchange that serves it • • • Main Entry: ↑local …   Useful english dictionary

  • Local loop — In telephony, the local loop (also referred to as a subscriber line) is the physical link or circuit that connects from the demarcation point of the customer premises to the edge of the carrier or telecommunications service provider s network. At …   Wikipedia

  • Local Loop — zwei Erdkabel mit 1200 und 2000 Doppeladern Die Teilnehmeranschlussleitung (in Deutschland: TAL, CuDa (für Kupfer Doppelader) oder Asl abgekürzt, in Österreich: TASL; engl. Local Loop), auch Amtsleitung oder Letzte Meile genannt, stellt innerhalb …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • local loop — vietinė linija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. local line; local loop vok. Ortsleitung, f rus. местная линия, f pranc. ligne locale, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Local-loop unbundling — (LLU) is the regulatory process of allowing multiple telecommunications operators use of connections from the telephone exchange s central office to the customer s premises. The physical wire connection between customer and company is known as a… …   Wikipedia

  • local loop —    That part of a communications circuit that connects subscriber equipment to equipment in a local telephone exchange. This link is often the most expensive and least efficient connection in the telephone company s system and is often a barrier… …   Dictionary of networking

  • local loop —    The local connection between the end user and the Class 5 central office …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Wireless local loop — WLL redirects here. Not to be confused with Weight Load Limit, the maximum weight that a given apparatus can bear Wireless local loop (WLL), is a term for the use of a wireless communications link as the last mile / first mile connection for… …   Wikipedia

  • wireless local loop — The range of technologies that support a wireless alternative to the fixed copper wires linking end users to local telephone exchanges (the so called local loop or last mile). Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal… …   Law dictionary

  • Wireless Local Loop — Die Wireless Local Loop Technik (WLL) wird dort eingesetzt, wo der Telefonanschluss über eine Teilnehmeranschlussleitung (engl. local loop) nicht machbar oder zu teuer ist, also z. B. in dünn besiedelten ländlichen Gebieten. Auch neue… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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