local dyadic

local dyadic
мат. локальный аффинор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "local dyadic" в других словарях:

  • Dyadic rational — Dyadic rationals in the interval from 0 to 1. In mathematics, a dyadic fraction or dyadic rational is a rational number whose denominator is a power of two, i.e., a number of the form a/2b where a is an integer and b is a natural number; for… …   Wikipedia

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  • Theory of relations — This article is about the theory of relations with regard to its specifically combinatorial aspects. For a general discussion of the basic definitions, see Binary relation and Finitary relation. The theory of relations treats the subject matter… …   Wikipedia

  • Charles Sanders Peirce —  B …   Wikipedia

  • Localization of a ring — In abstract algebra, localization is a systematic method of adding multiplicative inverses to a ring. Given a ring R and a subset S , one wants to construct some ring R* and ring homomorphism from R to R* , such that the image of S consists of… …   Wikipedia

  • Marra language — Not to be confused with the Maran languages of the Pama–Nyungan family Marra Spoken in Australia Region Arnhem Land, Northern Territory Native speakers 15  (1991) Language family …   Wikipedia

  • Criticism of the APL programming language — The APL programming language has been used since the mid 1960s on mainframe computers and has itself evolved in step with computers and the computing market. APL is not widely used, but minimalistic and high level by design, at several points in… …   Wikipedia

  • Criticism of APL — APL has been used since the mid 1960s on mainframe computers and has itself evolved in step with computers and the computing market. APL is not widely used, but minimalistic and high level by design, at several points in its history it could have …   Wikipedia

  • Curvilinear coordinates — Curvilinear, affine, and Cartesian coordinates in two dimensional space Curvilinear coordinates are a coordinate system for Euclidean space in which the coordinate lines may be curved. These coordinates may be derived from a set of Cartesian… …   Wikipedia

  • Hilbert-Huang transform — The Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) is a way to decompose a signal into so called intrinsic mode functions (IMF), and obtain instantaneous frequency data. It is designed to work well for data that are nonstationary and nonlinear. In contrast to… …   Wikipedia

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