local court
Смотреть что такое "local court" в других словарях:
Local Court of the Northern Territory — The Local Court of the Northern Territory is a court in the Northern Territory, a territory of Australia which has jurisdiction to determine civil disputes up to a value of AUD$100,000.HistoryThe court was established in 1989 under the Local… … Wikipedia
Local Court of New South Wales — There are over 160 Local Courts in NSW. Local Court cases are heard by a magistrate without a jury. It hears summary offences (offences of a less serious nature). It hears civil claims up to $60 000 and has a Small Claims Division for claims less … Wikipedia
local court — A court the jurisdiction and process of which are confined to a certain locality. Geraty v Reid, 78 NY 64, 67. A city court, municipal court, police court, or court of a justice of the peace. 20 Am J2d Cts § 30 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Local Court — /ˈloʊkəl kɔt/ (say lohkuhl kawt) noun 1. (in NSW) the official name of the court at the lower level of the judicial system. See Magistrates Court. 2. (in the NT) a division of the NT Magistrates Court dealing with civil matters. Compare Court of… …
local court — /ˈloʊkəl kɔt/ (say lohkuhl kawt) noun → magistrates court …
Court houses in New South Wales — were designed by the Colonial Architect, later known as the Government Architect. Contents 1 Current role 2 History of New South Wales Local Courts 3 Court house buildings of New South Wales … Wikipedia
court — / kōrt/ n [Old French, enclosed space, royal entourage, court of justice, from Latin cohort cohors farmyard, armed force, retinue] 1 a: an official assembly for the administration of justice: a unit of the judicial branch of government the… … Law dictionary
Court of Criminal Jurisdiction — The Court of Criminal Jurisdiction was a criminal court established in 1787 under the auspices of the First Charter of Justice in the British Empire of New South Wales, now a state of Australia. The Court of Criminal Jurisdiction was the first… … Wikipedia
Court of Civil Jurisdiction — The Court of Civil Jurisdiction was a court established in the late 18th century in the colony of New South Wales which subsequently became a state of Australia. The court had jurisdiction to deal with all civil disputes in the then fledgling… … Wikipedia
Court of Arbitration (New South Wales) — The Court of Arbitration was the first court in New South Wales, a state of Australia which dealt exclusively with industrial relation disputes in the early twentieth century. Justice Lance Wright claims that it perhaps was the first court of its … Wikipedia
Court of Summary Jurisdiction — The Court of Summary Jurisdiction is a court in the Northern Territory of Australia. It has jurisdiction to deal with criminal offences which occur in the territory. It is one of the courts that is usually referred to as the Magistrates Court of… … Wikipedia