local condition

local condition
локальное условие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "local condition" в других словарях:

  • condition — con‧di‧tion [kənˈdɪʆn] noun [countable] LAW INSURANCE something stated in a contract, agreement, or insurance policy that must be done or must be true otherwise the contract, agreement, or policy will be ended or will not remain in force: • You… …   Financial and business terms

  • Local Strategic Partnership — Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) exist in nearly all local authority areas in England and Wales. They bring together representatives from the local statutory, voluntary, community and private sectors to address local problems, allocate funding …   Wikipedia

  • Condition paysanne en France depuis 1945 — La condition paysanne en France depuis 1945 désigne, en sociologie, l impact des transformations du monde agricole sur les classes sociales vivant de l agriculture en France, depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sommaire 1 « Une révolution… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Local consistency — In constraint satisfaction, local consistency conditions are properties of constraint satisfaction problems related to the consistency of subsets of variables or constraints. Several such conditions exist, the most known being node consistency,… …   Wikipedia

  • Local board of health — Board of Health redirects here. This page describes the defunct bodies in England and Wales which used that name, not any modern ones. Local Boards or Local Boards of Health were local authorities in urban areas of England and Wales from 1848 to… …   Wikipedia

  • Local number portability — This article is about telephone number portability on landlines. For telephone number portability on mobile phones, see Mobile number portability. Local number portability (LNP) for fixed lines, and full mobile number portability (FMNP) for… …   Wikipedia

  • local — [[t]lo͟ʊk(ə)l[/t]] ♦ locals 1) ADJ: ADJ n Local means existing in or belonging to the area where you live, or to the area that you are talking about. We d better check on the match in the local paper... Some local residents joined the students… …   English dictionary

  • Condition paysanne en France du XIXe au XXIe siècle — Pour consulter un article plus général, voir : Agriculture en France. Au début du XIXe siècle, le monde paysan, marqué par une permanence des structures sociales et des techniques agraires, occupe une grande place dans la société… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Local analysis — In mathematics, the term local analysis has at least two meanings both derived from the idea of looking at a problem relative to each prime number p first, and then later trying to integrate the information gained at each prime into a global… …   Wikipedia

  • Condition des femmes sous le Troisième Reich — La condition féminine sous le Troisième Reich se caractérise par une politique visant à cantonner les femmes dans un rôle de mère et d épouse et de les exclure de tout poste à responsabilité, notamment dans les sphères politiques ou… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Local gigantism — s, where it is termed macrodactyly. However, sometimes an entire limb may be enlarged. Causes Local gigantism may be caused by a heterogeneous group of both congenital and acquired conditions. Congenital Congenital causes include: *Klippel… …   Wikipedia

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