- loaning
- сущ. предоставление займа, ссуда Syn : accomodation, lend, borrowed money, loan Заем
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Loaning — Loan Loan, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Loaned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Loaning}.] To lend; sometimes with out. Kent. [1913 Webster] By way of location or loaning them out. J. Langley (1644). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Loaning — Loanin Loan in, Loaning Loan ing, n. [From Scotch loan, E. lawn.] An open space between cultivated fields through which cattle are driven, and where the cows are sometimes milked; also, a lane. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
loaning — noun Etymology: Middle English loning, from lone, alteration of lane Date: 14th century 1. dialect British lane 2. dialect British a milking yard … New Collegiate Dictionary
loaning — I Cleveland Dialect List a lane, a narrow roadway II North Country (Newcastle) Words a lane or bye road … English dialects glossary
loaning — n. lending of money or property expecting that same or an equivalent will be returned; open space between tilled land through which cattle are driven; milking yard or lawn (British usage) ləʊn n. amount of money that has been borrowed;… … English contemporary dictionary
loaning — loan·ing … English syllables
loaning — noun disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned • Syn: ↑lending • Hypernyms: ↑disposal, ↑disposition • Hyponyms: ↑usury … Useful english dictionary
lending or loaning money or credit — Transactions creating customary relation of borrower and lender, in which money is borrowed for fixed time on borrower s promise to repay amount borrowed at stated time in future with interest at fixed rate. Bannock County v. Citizens Bank &… … Black's law dictionary
lending or loaning money or credit — Transactions creating customary relation of borrower and lender, in which money is borrowed for fixed time on borrower s promise to repay amount borrowed at stated time in future with interest at fixed rate. Bannock County v. Citizens Bank &… … Black's law dictionary
Medici bank — Infobox Defunct Company company name = Medici bank company fate = Shut down by authorities successor = foundation = c. 1397 defunct = 1494 location = Various; home branch in Florence, Italy industry = Banking key people = Giovanni di Bicci,… … Wikipedia
Medici Bank — For the private bank in Austria that failed due to its investment in Bernard Madoff s Ponzi scheme, see Bank Medici. Medici Bank Industry Banking Key people Giovanni di Bicci, Cosimo de Medici, Piero di Cosimo, Lorenzo de Medici, Francesco… … Wikipedia