loan institution

loan institution
кредитное учреждение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "loan institution" в других словарях:

  • Loan origination — is the process by which a borrower applies for a new loan, and a lender processes that application. Origination generally includes all the steps from taking a loan application through disbursal of funds (or declining the application). Loan… …   Wikipedia

  • loan commitment — n. A promise made by a bank or other lending institution to a prospective purchaser of real estate that it will lend him or her a specified sum at a specified interest rate to purchase a particular property if it is done within a specified period …   Law dictionary

  • loan — verb. In 19c British English, loan was a standard alternative for lend, but by the time Fowler wrote (1926) loan had been largely driven out by lend, although it has continued in use in AmE. In current use loan is mostly confined to non British… …   Modern English usage

  • loan syndication — lending by a group. The size of some loans is so large that no single financial institution would possess either the resources or the inclination to lend the entire sum on its own. In such cases a syndicate of institutions is formed to provide… …   Law dictionary

  • Loan — For other uses, see Loan (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets …   Wikipedia

  • loan — money lent at interest.A lender makes a loan with the idea that it will be paid back as agreed and that interest will be paid for the use of the money. Glossary of Business Terms Temporary borrowing of a sum of money. If you borrow $1 million you …   Financial and business terms

  • Loan Committee — The lending or management committee of a bank or other lending institution that analyzes and subsequently approves or rejects any loan that the initial loan officer does not have the authority to approve. First, the committee ensures that the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Loan shark — A loan shark is a person or body that offers illegal unsecured loans at high interest rates to individuals, often backed by blackmail or threats of violence. They provide credit to those who are unwilling or unable to obtain it from more… …   Wikipedia

  • loan — A lending. Delivery by one party to and receipt by another party of sum of money upon agreement, express or implied, to repay it with or without interest. Boerner v. Colwell Co., 21 Cal.Sd 37, 145 Cal.Rptr. 380, 384, 577 P.2d 200. Anything… …   Black's law dictionary

  • loan — A lending. Delivery by one party to and receipt by another party of sum of money upon agreement, express or implied, to repay it with or without interest. Boerner v. Colwell Co., 21 Cal.Sd 37, 145 Cal.Rptr. 380, 384, 577 P.2d 200. Anything… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Loan-to-value ratio — The loan to value (LTV) ratio expresses the amount of a first mortgage lien as a percentage of the total appraised value of real property. For instance, if a borrower borrows $130,000 to purchase a house worth $150,000, the LTV ratio is… …   Wikipedia

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