- loan guarantee
1) гарантия по кредиту
2) кредитное поручительство
3) обеспечение займа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
loan guarantee — ➔ guarantee2 * * * loan guarantee UK US (US also loan guaranty) noun [C] ► BANKING, FINANCE an agreement where a government or financial organization promises to pay back a loan if the borrower cannot: » A loan guarantee from the government… … Financial and business terms
Loan guarantee — A loan guarantee is a promise by a government to assume a private debt obligation if the borrower defaults. Most loan guarantee programs are established to correct perceived market failures by which small borrowers, regardless of creditworthiness … Wikipedia
Small Firms Loan Guarantee — The Small Firms Loan Guarantee (SFLG) can lend up to a maximum of £250,000 pounds to UK companies trading less than 5 years with a turnover of less than £5.6 Million.If your business is under 5 years old and your turnover (revenue) is not more… … Wikipedia
Loan Guarantee Scheme — A UK government scheme that guarantees 70% of a company s overdraft for a 3% premium. The bank must accept the risk for the balance of 30%. Its purpose is to support small businesses … Big dictionary of business and management
Loan — For other uses, see Loan (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
Guarantee Security Life Insurance Company — Guarantee Security Life Insurance Company, or GSLIC, represented one of the most severe cases of insurance fraud in Florida history. According to the Florida Insurance Commissioner:: [GSLIC] was, almost from the beginning, a massive fraud, aided… … Wikipedia
guarantee — n Guarantee, guaranty, surety, security, bond, bail are comparable when they mean either something that is given or pledged as assurance of one s responsibility (as for the payment of a debt, the fulfillment of a promise or obligation, or the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
guarantee stock — of a building and loan association is a fixed non withdrawal investment which guarantees to all other investors in the association a fixed rate of dividend or interest. Stumph v. Wheat Belt Building & Loan Ass n of Pratt, 148 Kan. 25, 79 P.2d 896 … Black's law dictionary
guarantee stock — of a building and loan association is a fixed non withdrawal investment which guarantees to all other investors in the association a fixed rate of dividend or interest. Stumph v. Wheat Belt Building & Loan Ass n of Pratt, 148 Kan. 25, 79 P.2d 896 … Black's law dictionary
guarantee — See guaranty. American Banker Glossary The assumption of responsibility for payment of a debt or performance of some obligation if the liable party fails to perform to expectations. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Financial security required for… … Financial and business terms
guarantee — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 written promise by a company ADJECTIVE ▪ full ▪ The company offers a full money back guarantee. ▪ lifetime, three year, two year, etc … Collocations dictionary