loan business

loan business
ссудные операции

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "loan business" в других словарях:

  • Loan shark — A loan shark is a person or body that offers illegal unsecured loans at high interest rates to individuals, often backed by blackmail or threats of violence. They provide credit to those who are unwilling or unable to obtain it from more… …   Wikipedia

  • Loan Production Office - LPO — The area of a bank s operations that accepts applications for loans and arranges for business financing, but does not take deposits. Loan production offices (LPOs) are responsible for growing loan business for the bank. Though LPOs are… …   Investment dictionary

  • Loan origination — is the process by which a borrower applies for a new loan, and a lender processes that application. Origination generally includes all the steps from taking a loan application through disbursal of funds (or declining the application). Loan… …   Wikipedia

  • Loan modification in the United States — Loan modification, the systematic alteration of contactual mortgage loan agreements, has been practiced in the United States since the 1930s. During the Great Depression loan modification programs took place at the state level in an effort to… …   Wikipedia

  • LOAN — (Heb. הַלְוָאָה, halva ah), a transaction in which a thing, usually money, is given by one person, called the malveh ( lender ), to another, called the loveh ( borrower ), for the latter s use and enjoyment, and in order that such thing or its… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • loan — n 1 a: money lent at interest b: something lent usu. for the borrower s temporary use 2: a transfer or delivery of money from one party to another with the express or implied agreement that the sum will be repaid regardless of contingency and usu …   Law dictionary

  • business MAC — USA A material adverse change clause that refers to a material adverse change in the business of the borrower. Business MAC clauses are typically conditions precedent to lending contained in commitment letters for bank loan financings. A business …   Law dictionary

  • Business valuation — is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to consummate a sale of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Business process management — (BPM) is a method of efficiently aligning an organization with the wants and needs of clients. It is a holistic management approach that promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, flexibility and integration… …   Wikipedia

  • Business logic — Business logic, or domain logic, is a non technical term generally used to describe the functional algorithms that handle information exchange between a database and a user interface. Contents 1 Scope of business logic 2 Business logic 3 T …   Wikipedia

  • loan capital — ➔ capital * * * loan capital UK US noun [U] ► FINANCE money that a business borrows from banks and other organizations for an agreed period and on which it pays interest: »Only about £7m is expected to be available as loan capital to finance… …   Financial and business terms

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