- loading-discharging
- разгрузочно-загрузочный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Full Container Load — Standard (20 or 40 (ft)) container that is stuffed (loaded) and un stuffed (discharged) under the risk and account of one shipper and only one consignee, in practice it means whole container is intended for one consignee. FCL container shipment… … Wikipedia
Ship transport — Water transport redirects here. For the transportation of water, see Water transportation. Harbour cranes unload cargo from a container ship at the Jawaharlal Nehru Port in Navi Mumbai, India … Wikipedia
Sailor — This article is about maritime crew. For other uses, see Sailor (disambiguation). Mariner redirects here. For other uses, see Mariner (disambiguation). Boatmen redirects here. It may also refer to a nickname for the Toronto Argonauts of the… … Wikipedia
Port of Varna — ( [http://www.tns shipping.com/agency set/port varna.gifmap] ) is the largest seaport complex in Bulgaria. Located on the Black Sea s west coast on Varna Bay, along Lake Varna and Lake Beloslav, it also comprises the outlying port of Balchik. It… … Wikipedia
Spirit of Ontario I — is the former name of Tanger Jet II, an Auto Express 86 Class wave piercing catamaran passenger vehicle ferry constructed by Austal Ships in Perth, Australia. From 2004 ndash;2005 the Spirit of Ontario I operated a fast ferry service on an 82… … Wikipedia
Oiler (occupation) — Arnold R. Fesser, oiler, 17 years at sea: We got a big job to do until this war is won. We will keep them sailing until the end. Then we have got time for holidays. October 14, 1944. An oiler is a worker whose main job is to oil machinery. In… … Wikipedia
Port of Guangzhou — is the main seaport of Guangzhou city. It is operated by Guangzhou Port Group Co. Ltd which is state owned company. The company was established on February 26, 2004 from the former Guangzhou Harbor Bureau. It was approved by the Guangzhou… … Wikipedia
Antique guns — An Antique Firearm is, loosely speaking, a firearm designed and manufactured prior to the beginning of the 20th century the Boer War is often used as a cut off event, although the exact definition of what constitutes an Antique Firearm varies… … Wikipedia
Antique gun — An antique firearm is, loosely speaking, a firearm designed and manufactured prior to the beginning of the 20th century. The Boer War is often used as a cut off event, although the exact definition of what constitutes an antique firearm varies… … Wikipedia
Affreightment — Admiralty law History … Wikipedia
Bulk carrier — The Sabrina I is a modern Handymax bulk carrier. Class overview Name: Freighter Subclasses … Wikipedia