loading equipment

loading equipment

1. погрузочное оборудование
2. приспособление для нагружения (напр. образца)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "loading equipment" в других словарях:

  • Vehicle loading equipment — Оборудование для загрузки транспортных средств …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Loading gauge — The clearance between train and tunnel is often small. London Underground train at Hendon. A loading gauge defines the maximum height and width for railway vehicles and their loads to ensure safe passage through bridges, tunnels and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Loading coil — In electronics, a loading coil or load coil is a coil (inductor) that does not provide coupling to any other circuit, but is inserted in a circuit to increase its inductance. The need was discovered by Oliver Heaviside in studying the… …   Wikipedia

  • Loading bay (theatre) — A loading bay is a room in a theatre which is usually quite large. It generally has a bay door (a large metal door which rolls up, at least the size of the opening on a standard semi trailer) at opposite sides of the room, one for a truck and the …   Wikipedia

  • Loading dock — A loading dock is an architectural fixture where trucks may be loaded and unloaded. They are commonly found on commercial and industrial buildings.Dock levelers can be operated via mechanical (spring), hydraulic or air powered systems.Warehouses… …   Wikipedia

  • loading plan — All of the individually prepared documents which, taken together, present in detail all instructions for the arrangement of personnel, and the loading of equipment for one or more units or other special grouping of personnel or material moving by …   Military dictionary

  • Overall equipment effectiveness — (OEE) is a hierarchy of metrics which evaluates and indicates how effectively a manufacturing operation is utilized. The results are stated in a generic form which allows comparison between manufacturing units in differing industries. It is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Ground support equipment — (GSE) is found at an airport, usually on the ramp, the servicing area by the terminal. This equipment is used to service the aircraft between flights. As its name implies, GSE is there to support the operations of aircraft on the ground. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Modern equipment of the British Army — This article is about weapons and equipment. For details of uniforms and orders of dress, see British Army Uniform. British Army …   Wikipedia

  • Task loading — in Scuba diving is a term used to refer to a multiplicity of responsibilities leading to an increased risk failure on the part of the diver to undertake some key basic function which would normally be routine for safety underwater. [cite journal… …   Wikipedia

  • Wing loading — In aerodynamics, wing loading is the loaded weight of the aircraft divided by the area of the wing. [Thom, 1988. p. 6.] It is broadly reflective of the aircraft s lift to mass ratio, which affects its rate of climb, load carrying ability, and… …   Wikipedia

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