load shedding
Смотреть что такое "load shedding" в других словарях:
load-shedding — n. The act or process of disconnecting the electric current on certain lines when the demand becomes greater than the supply. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
load shedding — noun Temporarily reducing the amount of electricity sent out by a power station • • • Main Entry: ↑load … Useful english dictionary
load-shedding — noun cutting off the electric current on certain lines when the demand becomes greater than the supply • Hypernyms: ↑limitation, ↑restriction * * * ˈload shedding 8 [load shedding] noun … Useful english dictionary
load-shedding — a failure of the electricity grid through inability to generate sufficient power In Britain this was one of the features of the electricity industry when it was owned and operated by the state, whose employees used evasive language to… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Load shedding — Intentional action by a utility that results in the reduction of more than 100 megawatts (MW) of firm customer load for reasons of maintaining the continuity of service of the reporting entity s bulk electric power supply system. The routine… … Energy terms
load shedding — getting rid of a burden, freeing oneself of a load … English contemporary dictionary
load-shedding — noun the interruption of an electricity supply to avoid excessive load on the generating plant … English new terms dictionary
load-shedding — /lohd shed ing/, n. the deliberate shutdown of electric power in a part or parts of a power distribution system, generally to prevent the failure of the entire system when the demand strains the capacity of the system. Also, loadshedding. [1945… … Universalium
load shedding — noun a) The process by which an electric utility cuts power to some customers in response to a shortage of available electricity. b) The postponement of payment of less important bills because of financial problems … Wiktionary
load shedding — Inglish (Indian English) Dictionary Brown outs or blackouts, often pre scheduled, due to electric power shortage … English dialects glossary
Load Shedding — Turning off or disconnecting loads to limit peak demand … Energy terms