load memory

load memory
загружать в память

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "load memory" в других словарях:

  • Memory disambiguation — is a set of techniques employed by high performance out of order execution microprocessors that execute memory access instructions (loads and stores) out of program order. The mechanisms for performing memory disambiguation, implemented using… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory dependence prediction — is a technique, employed by high performance out of order execution microprocessors that execute memory access operations (loads and stores) out of program order, to predict true dependences between loads and stores at instruction execution time …   Wikipedia

  • Load (Album) — Load Studioalbum von Metallica Veröffentlichung 4. Juni 1996 Label Elektra Records Format …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Memory barrier — Memory barrier, also known as membar or memory fence or fence instruction, is a type of barrier and a class of instruction which causes a central processing unit (CPU) or compiler to enforce an ordering constraint on memory operations issued… …   Wikipedia

  • Load Average — Load bezeichnet die momentan laufenden oder auf bestimmte Ereignisse wartenden Prozesse auf einem Computersystem. Man spricht dabei davon, dass „der Rechner einen Load von X hat“ (wobei X eine reelle Zahl größer gleich null ist). Sie wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Memory protection — is a way to control memory access rights on a computer, and is a part of most modern operating systems. The main purpose of memory protection is to prevent a process from accessing memory that has not been allocated to it. This prevents a bug… …   Wikipedia

  • Load — Студийный альбом Metallica …   Википедия

  • load — [lōd] n. [ME lode < OE lad, a course, way, journey < Gmc * laidō, way < IE base * leit(h) , to go, leave > LEAD1, ON litha, Goth galeithan, to go: sense infl. by ME laden, LADE] 1. something carried or to be carried at one time or in… …   English World dictionary

  • Load (Metallica) — Load (album) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Load. Load Album par Metallica Sortie 4 juin 1996 Enregistrement …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Memory-level parallelism — or MLP is a term in computer architecture referring to the ability to have pending multiple memory operations, in particular cache misses or translation lookaside buffer misses, at the same time. In a single processor, MLP may be considered a… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory level parallelism — or MLP is a term in computer architecture referring to the ability to have pending multiple memory operations, in particular cache misses, at the same time.MLP may be considered a form of ILP, instruction level parallelism. However, ILP is often… …   Wikipedia

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