load leveling

load leveling
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "load leveling" в других словарях:

  • Load leveling —   Any load control technique that dampens the cyclical daily load flows and increases baseload generation. Peak load pricing and time of day charges are two techniques that electric utilities use to reduce peak load and to maximize efficient… …   Energy terms

  • Load Leveling —   The deferment of certain loads to limit electrical power demand, or the production of energy during off peak periods for storage and use during peak demand periods …   Energy terms

  • Load balancing — or load distribution may refer to: Load balancing (computing), balancing a workload amongst multiple computer devices Load balancing (electrical power), the storing of excess electrical power by power stations during low demand periods, for… …   Wikipedia

  • headlight leveling — A system that compensates for a heavy load in the trunk which pushes the front of the car up and causes the headlights to project upward. The leveling system levels out the projection of the light. Some will do it automatically while others have… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • automatic leveling system — noun A suspension system that automatically adjusts front and rear ride heights to compensate for changes in axle load …   Wiktionary

  • Vehicle-to-grid — (V2G) describes a system in which power can be sold to the electrical power grid by an electric drive motor vehicle that is connected to the grid when it is not in use for transportation. cite book last =Cleveland first =Cutler J. coauthors… …   Wikipedia

  • Rechargeable battery — A rechargeable lithium polymer Nokia mobile phone battery …   Wikipedia

  • Grid energy storage — is used to manage the flow of electrical energy. For large scale load levelling on an interconnected electrical system, electric energy producers send low value off peak excess electricity over the electricity transmission grid to temporary… …   Wikipedia

  • War of Currents — In the War of Currents era (sometimes, War of the Currents or Battle of Currents ) in the late 1880s, George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison became adversaries due to Edison s promotion of direct current (DC) for electric power distribution over… …   Wikipedia

  • Charge Control — is a technology that lets an electric utility control, in real time, the charging of a gridable (plug in) vehicle, such as a Plug in hybrid (PHEV) or a Battery electric vehicle (BEV). Through Charge Control, the utility is able to postpone… …   Wikipedia

  • Lean manufacturing — or lean production, which is often known simply as Lean , is the practice of a theory of production that considers the expenditure of resources for any means other than the creation of value for the presumed customer to be wasteful, and thus a… …   Wikipedia

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