load conditions
Смотреть что такое "load conditions" в других словарях:
characteristic load conditions — būdingosios apkrovos veika statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. characteristic load conditions vok. Betrieb mit angepaßter Belastung, m; Betrieb mit charakteristischer Belastung, m rus. режим характеристической нагрузки, m pranc … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
limit load conditions — ribinė veika statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. limit load conditions vok. Grenzbetrieb, m rus. предельный режим, m pranc. régime limite, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
no-load conditions — tuščioji veika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. idle running; light running; no load conditions vok. Leergang, m; Leerlauf, m; Leerlaufzustand, m rus. режим холостого хода, m; холостой ход, m pranc. marche à vide, f; régime à vide, m;… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Load factor (aerodynamics) — Load factor is the ratio of the lift on an aircraft to the weight of the aircraft.Clancy, L.J., Aerodynamics , section 5.22] Hurt, H.H., Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators , page 37] The load factor is expressed in multiples of g where one g… … Wikipedia
Load testing — is the process of creating demand on a system or device and measuring its response.In mechanical systems it refers to the testing of a system to certify it under the appropriate regulations (LOLER in the UK Lifting Operations and Lifting… … Wikipedia
Load pull — and Source pull are the processes of altering (pulling) the impedances at the output and input, respectively, of an RF device or component whilst measuring the device behaviour. This can be necessary when the device under test has a non linear… … Wikipedia
load line — load′ line n. navig. any of various lines marked on the sides of a cargo vessel to indicate the depth to which a vessel may be immersed under certain conditions Compare freeboard 1) • Etymology: 1880–85 … From formal English to slang
load line — noun waterlines to show the level the water should reach when the ship is properly loaded • Syn: ↑Plimsoll line, ↑Plimsoll mark, ↑Plimsoll • Hypernyms: ↑waterline, ↑water line, ↑water level * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
load — loadless, adj. /lohd/, n. 1. anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons. 2. the quantity that can be or usually is carried at one time, as in a cart. 3. this quantity… … Universalium
load — [[t]loʊd[/t]] n. 1) anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: a truck with a load of watermelons[/ex] 2) the quantity that can be or usu. is carried at one time, as in a cart 3) this quantity taken as a… … From formal English to slang
Load on equipment — One hundred percent load is the maximum continuous net output of the unit at normal operating conditions during the annual peak load month. For example, if the equipment is capable of operating at 5% over pressure continuously, use this… … Energy terms