load barrel
Смотреть что такое "load barrel" в других словарях:
Barrel — For other uses, see Barrel (disambiguation). For the use of oak aging barrels in wine, see Oak (wine). Traditional oak barrels in Chile … Wikipedia
load — Synonyms and related words: abundance, acres, adulterate, affliction, albatross, anxiety, bag, baggage, bags, bale, barrel, barrels, bear, bear hard upon, bellyful, bitter cup, bitter draft, bitter draught, bitter pill, blast, bottle, box, brim,… … Moby Thesaurus
barrel — Synonyms and related words: abundance, acres, bag, bags, ball the jack, barb, barbule, barrels, basket, beeline, bole, boom, bottle, bowl along, box, box up, breeze, breeze along, brush, burden, bushel, butt, can, capsule, carton, case, cask,… … Moby Thesaurus
barrel — n 1. cask, keg, hogshead, puncheon, butt, tierce, tun, rundlet; vat, tank, tub, firkin; container, vessel. 2.Often barrels lot, Inf. lots, Inf. oodles, Inf. tons; pile, heap, Inf. load, stack, mass accumulation, amassment; hoard, store, stock,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Squib load — A squib load, also known as a squib round, pop and no kick, or just a squib, is a firearms malfunction in which a fired projectile does not have enough force behind it to exit the barrel, and thus becomes stuck. This type of malfunction can be… … Wikipedia
Superposed load — A superposed load or stacked charge is a method used by various muzzleloading firearms, from matchlocks to caplocks, as well as newer metal storm weapons, to fire multiple shots from a single barrel without reloading.cite book |title=Firearms in… … Wikipedia
Slug barrel — A slug barrel is a barrel for a shotgun that is designed primarily to fire slugs.OriginsWhen slugs are fired in a standard, choked barrel, the slug is deformed by the choke as it exits. The degree of deformation is most acute with fuller chokes,… … Wikipedia
breech|load|ing — «BREECH LOH dihng», adjective. (of guns) loaded from behind the barrel, instead of at the muzzle end … Useful english dictionary
muz|zle|load|ing — «MUHZ uhl LOH dihng», adjective. loaded by putting gunpowder or bullets in through the open front end of the barrel and ramming it down … Useful english dictionary
proof load — noun : a cartridge made with a heavier charge of powder than normal ammunition for the piece and used to test the strength of chamber, barrel, and action … Useful english dictionary
quantity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Amount Nouns 1. quantity, magnitude, amplitude; numbers, amount; content, mass, bulk, weight; sum, aggregate; measurement; number, quantifier; multitude. See assemblage. 2. portion (see apportionment);… … English dictionary for students