- living room
- гостиная Syn : drawing room, sitting room столовая, гостиная, общая комната
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
living-room — [ liviŋrum ] n. m. • 1920; mot angl. « pièce pour vivre » ♦ Anglic. Pièce de séjour, servant à la fois de salle à manger et de salon. ⇒ salle (de séjour), séjour. Des living rooms. Cette grande pièce « à laquelle les Anglo Saxons donnent le nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Living-room — Album par Paris Combo Sortie 1999 Label PIAS Albums de Paris Combo … Wikipédia en Français
living room — living rooms also living room N COUNT The living room in a house is the room where people sit and relax. We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. Syn: sitting room, lounge … English dictionary
living room — room set up for ordinary social use, 1795 (as opposed to bedroom, dining room, etc.); from LIVING (Cf. living) (n.) + ROOM (Cf. room) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
Living-Room — Album par Paris Combo Sortie 1999 Label PIAS Albums de Paris Combo … Wikipédia en Français
living room — room / liviŋ rʊm/, it. / living rum/ locuz. ingl. (propr. stanza per vivere ), usata in ital. come s.m. [stanza di dimensioni piuttosto ampie in cui si vive durante il giorno] ▶◀ soggiorno, [di dimensioni ridotte] tinello … Enciclopedia Italiana
living room — liv ing room A room in a house used by all or most of the family, where the family entertain guests or relax together for leisure activities. It usually contains at least one couch, and does not contain a dining table. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
living room — n the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc = ↑lounge … Dictionary of contemporary English
living room — living ,room noun count ** the main room in a house where you usually relax in comfortable chairs and entertain guests … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
living-room — see sitting room … Modern English usage
living room — ► NOUN ▪ a room in a house for general everyday use … English terms dictionary