live-stock breeding

live-stock breeding
племенное животноводство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "live-stock breeding" в других словарях:

  • Stock car (rail) — In railroad terminology, a stock car is a type of rolling stock used for carrying livestock (not carcasses) to market. A traditional stock car resembles a boxcar with slats missing in the car s side (and sometimes end) for the purpose of… …   Wikipedia

  • Live export — Over a billion living farm animals around the world are exported to different countries or states every week, travelling hundreds of miles from farms to slaughterhouses, a practice referred to as live export. Dugan, Emily. [http://www.independent …   Wikipedia

  • Horse breeding — Mares and foals Horse breeding is reproduction in horses, and particularly the human directed process of selective breeding of animals, particularly purebred horses of a given breed. Planned matings can be used to produce specifically desired… …   Wikipedia

  • animal breeding — Introduction  controlled propagation of domestic animals in order to improve desirable qualities. Humanity has been modifying domesticated animals to better suit human needs for centuries. Selective breeding involves using knowledge from several… …   Universalium

  • List of Acts of the Northern Ireland Parliament — This is a list of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, from its first session in 1921 to suspension in 1972.The short titles for these Acts were distinguished from those passed by the Westminster parliament by the insertion of the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Acts of the Oireachtas — This is a list of Acts of the Oireachtas for the years 1922 to present.1922 19301922*Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Éireann) Act 1922:: Technically this was an Act of the Irish Constituent Assembly; the Oireachtas did not yet… …   Wikipedia

  • Kruševlje — (Крушевље) is a small settlement (hamlet) in Serbia. It is situated in the Sombor municipality, West Bačka District, Vojvodina province. It is mostly populated by Serbs.NameIn Serbian, the village is known as Kruševlje or Крушевље, in German as… …   Wikipedia

  • Batu Lintang camp — Infobox Military Structure name=Batu Lintang camp partof= location=Kuching, Sarawak coordinates= caption=Aerial view of part of Batu Lintang camp, prior to its liberation, 29 August 1945. In the foreground is the Roman Catholic priests compound.… …   Wikipedia

  • Côte d'Ivoire — /koht dee vwannrdd / French name of Ivory Coast. * * * Cote d Ivoire Introduction Cote d Ivoire Background: Close ties to France since independence in 1960, the development of cocoa production for export, and foreign investment made Cote d Ivoire …   Universalium

  • Bulgaria — /bul gair ee euh, bool /, n. a republic in SE Europe. 8,652,745; 42,800 sq. mi. (110,850 sq. km). Cap.: Sofia. * * * Bulgaria Introduction Bulgaria Background: The Bulgars, a Central Asian Turkic tribe, merged with the local Slavic inhabitants in …   Universalium

  • Mkomazi Game Reserve — is located in North Eastern Tanzania on the Kenyan Border. It was established in 1951 and is found in Kilimanjaro Region and Tanga Region. Mkomazi game reserve is one of the only places in the whole Tanzania to spot the black rhinoceros. The… …   Wikipedia

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