- live beyond one's means
- жить не по средствам
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
means — n. method 1) fair; foul means 2) an effective means 3) by any means 4) (misc.) the end does not justify the means; a means to an end resources wealth 5) independent; moderate means 6) the means to + inf. (do they have the means to buy such a… … Combinatory dictionary
means — n.pl. 1 (often treated as sing.) that by which a result is brought about (a means of quick travel). 2 a money resources (live beyond one s means). b wealth (a man of means). Phrases and idioms: by all means (or all manner of means) 1 certainly. 2 … Useful english dictionary
live — live1 [ lıv ] verb *** ▸ 1 be/stay alive ▸ 2 have home in place ▸ 3 have kind of life ▸ 4 keep alive certain way ▸ 5 continue to exist ▸ 6 have interesting life ▸ 7 be kept in certain place ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive to be or stay alive: She s … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
live — I UK [lɪv] / US verb Word forms live : present tense I/you/we/they live he/she/it lives present participle living past tense lived past participle lived *** 1) [intransitive] to have your home in a particular place Paris is a nice place to live.… … English dictionary
live — I VERB USES ♦ lives, living, lived (Pronounced [[t]lɪ̱v[/t]] in live 1, and [[t]la͟ɪv[/t]] in live 2.) 1) VERB If someone lives in a particular place or with a particular person, their home is in that place or with that person. [V adv/prep] She… … English dictionary
live — I /layv/ adv. directly to come live (this telecast is coming to you live from Wimbledon) II /liv/ v. 1) to live dangerously; high 2) (d; intr.) to live by ( to adhere to ) (to live by certain principles) 3) (d; intr.) ( to exist ) to live for… … Combinatory dictionary
One Big Union (concept) — The One Big Union is a concept which emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries amongst working class trade unionists. Unions initially organised as craft or trade unions. Workers were organized by their skill: carpenters, plumbers,… … Wikipedia
One Life to Live — Title card (2004–present) Genre Soap opera Created by Agnes Nixon … Wikipedia
One Life to Live storylines (2000–present) — One Life to Live is an American soap opera that has been broadcast on the ABC network since 1968. The series starts with One Life to Live storylines (1968–1979). The plot continues in One Life to Live storylines (1980–1989). The plot in the next… … Wikipedia
One Hundred Years of Solitude — … Wikipedia
Beyond a Joke — Red Dwarf episode Episode no. Series 7 Episode 6 Directed by Ed Bye Written by … Wikipedia