lithic age
Смотреть что такое "lithic age" в других словарях:
Lithic — may refer to: *a stone tool *Lithic analysis *Lithic stage *Lithic core *Lithic reduction *Lithic Technology *Lithic flakeee also*Stone Age … Wikipedia
-lithic — [lith′ik] combining form of a (specified) period of the STONE AGE [Neolithic, Paleolithic] … English World dictionary
Lithic reduction — The Levallois technique of flint knapping Lithic reduction involves the use of a hard hammer precursor, such as a hammerstone, a soft hammer fabricator (made of wood, bone or antler), or a wood or antler punch to detach lithic flakes from a lump… … Wikipedia
Lithic technology — In archeology, lithic technology refers to a broad array of techniques and styles to produce usable tools from various types of stone. The earliest stone tools were recovered from modern Ethiopia and were dated to between two million and three… … Wikipedia
Stone Age — The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric time period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking.Stone tools were made from a variety of different kinds of stone. For example, flint and chert were shaped (or chipped ) for use as cutting… … Wikipedia
Middle Stone Age — This article is about the term as applied to African prehistory. See Mesolithic for the middle period of the Stone Age in general. See Middle Paleolithic for the middle part of the Old Stone Age . The Middle Stone Age (or MSA) was a period of… … Wikipedia
Metallurgy during the Copper Age in Europe — The Copper Age, also called the Eneolithic or the Chalcolithic Age, has been traditionally understood as a transitional period between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, in which a gradual introduction of the metal (native copper) took place,… … Wikipedia
Stone Age — noun a) A broad prehistoric period during which humans widely used stone for toolmaking. b) Any extremely primitive or undeveloped era. Syn: Lithic … Wiktionary
Chalcolithic — Reconstruction of a Copper Age walled city, Los Millares, Spain. Chalcolithic Eneolithic, Aeneolithic Copper Age This box … Wikipedia
Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas — encompasses the visual artistic traditions of the indigenous peoples of the Americas from ancient times to the present. These include works from South America, Mesoamerica, North America including Greenland, as well as Siberian Yup ik peoples who … Wikipedia
sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… … Universalium