Смотреть что такое "lister-cultivator" в других словарях:
lister cultivator — noun Etymology: lister (II) : a cultivator usually having blades designed to throw soil toward the roots of a crop, two heavy furrow balance wheels and two wheels to hold the machine on the ridges … Useful english dictionary
sled lister cultivator — noun : a cultivator that has lister cultivating devices behind sled runners and a cultivator shield and that is used for cultivating row crops planted in furrows … Useful english dictionary
farm machinery — Synonyms and related words: all crop harvester, baler, bean harvester, beet harvester, binder, breaker, cast plow, combine, cotton picker, cultivator, disk, disk harrow, disk plow, drag, drill, drill plow, four bottom plow, gang plow, grain… … Moby Thesaurus
machinery — Synonyms and related words: accouterments, action, adding machine, addressing machine, agency, agent, all crop harvester, apparatus, appliance, appliances, appointments, appurtenances, armament, automobile, backhoe, baler, bean harvester, beet… … Moby Thesaurus
plow — Synonyms and related words: all crop harvester, backset, baler, bank, bean harvester, beet harvester, binder, break, breaker, canal, canalize, carve, cast plow, chamfer, channel, chisel, combine, corrugate, cotton picker, crab, crack, crimp,… … Moby Thesaurus
ridger — I. ˈrijə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: ridge (I) + er dialect Britain : ridgeband II. noun ( … Useful english dictionary
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
Sulky — For the adjective, see Wiktionary:Sulky. Sulky and horse in Simoca, the sulky capital of Argentina A sulky is a lightweight cart having two wheels and a seat for the driver only but usually without a body, generally pulled by horses or dogs, and… … Wikipedia
Ackworth School — Infobox School | name = Ackworth School imagesize = 300px motto = Non Sibi Sed Omnibus established = 1779 type = Independent principal = Peter Simpson enrollment = 587 free label2 = Age Range free text2 = 2 to 18 location =Ackworth, Pontefract,… … Wikipedia
plow — I plow, plough (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. cultivate, dig, till, turn, break, furrow. See agriculture. II (Roget s IV) n. Types of plows include: moldboard, gang, steam, tractor, double, straddle, sulky, wheel, mole, skim,… … English dictionary for students
plow — n 1. harrow, breaker, cultivator, lister; rake, scooter, windrower; corn plow, drill plow, snow plow. v 2. till, work, farm, cultivate, prepare, dress; spade, dig, delve, turn up, hoe, rake, harrow; ridge, furrow, groove, rib. 3. plunge, lunge,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder