list of symbols

list of symbols
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "list of symbols" в других словарях:

  • List of symbols — This is a list of graphical signs, icons, and symbols. Contents 1 Pictograms 2 Scientific and engineering symbols 3 Consumer symbols …   Wikipedia

  • List of Texas state symbols — Location of the State of Texas in the United States of America The following is a list of symbols of the U.S. State of Texas. Contents 1 Official designations and symbols[1] …   Wikipedia

  • List of New York state symbols — The location of the State of New York in the United States of America This is a list of symbols of the State of New York in the United States. The majority of the state symbols are officially listed in the New York Consolidated Laws in Article 6 …   Wikipedia

  • List of Arizona state symbols — The following is a list of symbols of the U.S. State of Arizona. The majority of the items in the list are officially recognized after a law passed by the state legislature. Most of the symbols were adopted in the 20th century. The first symbol… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Maryland state symbols — This is a list of symbols of the U.S. State of Maryland. The majority of the items in the list are officially recognized symbols created by an act of the Maryland General Assembly and signed into law by the governor. However, two of the more… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Virginia state symbols — This is a list of symbols of the United States Commonwealth of Virginia. The majority of the items in the list are officially recognized symbols created by an act of the Virginia General Assembly and signed into law by the governor. The state… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Utah state symbols — This is a list of symbols of the U.S. State of Utah. The majority of the items in the list are officially recognized symbols created by an act of the Utah State Legislature, signed into law by the governor, and listed in Utah Code, Title 63,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Colorado state symbols — Location of the state of Colorado in the United States of America The following is a list of symbols of the U.S. state of Colorado. Contents 1 State insignia …   Wikipedia

  • List of Colorado-related topics — The following is a list of topics about the U.S. State of Colorado. NOTOC compactTOC4 0–9*6th Principal Meridian *10 mile Range *10th Mountain Division (United States) *14ers of Colorado [ website] *25th meridian… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Kansas-related topics — This is a list of topics related to the U.S. State of Kansas. NOTOC compactTOC4 0–9*25th meridian west from Washington *34th State to join the United States of AmericaA*Adams Onís Treaty of 1819 *Adjacent states: **State of Colorado **State of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Washington state symbols — The following is a list of symbols of the U.S. of State of Washington.Official state symbolsOfficial state symbols recognized by law.* State amphibian: Pacific Chorus Frog, adopted 2007 * State song: Washington, My Home , adopted 1959 * State… …   Wikipedia

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