liquidate a company
Смотреть что такое "liquidate a company" в других словарях:
liquidate — to settle a debt or to convert to cash.This literally means to do away with. Glossary of Business Terms Selling (or purchasing) futures contracts of the same delivery month purchased (or sold) during an earlier transaction or making (or taking)… … Financial and business terms
liquidate — [[t]lɪ̱kwzɪdeɪt[/t]] liquidates, liquidating, liquidated 1) VERB To liquidate a company is to close it down and sell all its assets, usually because it is in debt. [TECHNICAL] [V n] A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company. Derived… … English dictionary
company — a business owned by a group of people called shareholders, which has its own legal identity separate from its owners. Glossary of Business Terms A proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other form of enterprise that engages in business.… … Financial and business terms
liquidate — / lɪkwɪdeɪt/ verb ♦ to liquidate a company to close a company and sell its assets ♦ to liquidate a debt to pay a debt in full ♦ to liquidate stock to sell stock to raise cash … Dictionary of banking and finance
liquidate — ► VERB 1) wind up the affairs of (a company) by ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets. 2) convert (assets) into cash. 3) pay off (a debt). 4) informal eliminate; kill. DERIVATIVES liquidation noun liquidator noun … English terms dictionary
liquidate — liq|ui|date [ˈlıkwıdeıt] v [Date: 1500 1600; : Late Latin; Origin: , past participle of liquidare to melt , from Latin liquidus; LIQUID2] 1.) [I and T] to close a business or company and sell the things that belong to it, in order to pay its… … Dictionary of contemporary English
liquidate — verb 1 (I, T) to close a business or company in order to pay its debts 2 (T) technical to pay a debt: The stock will be sold to liquidate the loan. 3 (T) informal to kill someone … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
liquidate — v. 1 a tr. wind up the affairs of (a company or firm) by ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets. b intr. (of a company) be liquidated. 2 tr. clear or pay off (a debt). 3 tr. put an end to or get rid of (esp. by violent means). Etymology … Useful english dictionary
liquidate — verb a) To settle a debt by paying the outstanding amount. b) To settle the affairs of a company, by using its assets to pay its debts. See Also: liquefy, liquid, liquidation, liquidator, liquidity … Wiktionary
liquidate — verb 1》 wind up the affairs of (a company) by ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets. ↘convert (assets) into cash. ↘pay off (a debt). 2》 informal eliminate; kill. Derivatives liquidation noun liquidator noun Origin C16 (in the… … English new terms dictionary
liquidate — verb 1) the company was liquidated Syn: close down, wind up, put into liquidation, dissolve, disband 2) he liquidated his share portfolio Syn: convert to cash, convert, cash in, sell off, sell up 3) … Thesaurus of popular words