liquid trap

liquid trap
отделитель жидкости

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "liquid trap" в других словарях:

  • liquid trap (Doyle scrubber) — Смотри капельный пылеуловитель (скруббер Дойля) …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • Trap — Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trap stairs — Trap Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trap tree — Trap Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trap — ► NOUN 1) a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals. 2) an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape. 3) a trick causing someone to act contrary to their interests or intentions. 4) a container or device used to… …   English terms dictionary

  • Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry — Infobox chemical analysis name = Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry caption =Ion trap LCMS system acronym = LCMS classification =Chromatography Mass spectrometry analytes = organic molecules biomolecules manufacturers = Agilent Bruker MDS… …   Wikipedia

  • trap — trap1 traplike, adj. /trap/, n., v., trapped, trapping. n. 1. a contrivance used for catching game or other animals, as a mechanical device that springs shut suddenly. 2. any device, stratagem, trick, or the like for catching a person unawares. 3 …   Universalium

  • trap — I. /træp / (say trap) noun 1. a contrivance used for taking game or other animals, as a mechanical device that springs shut suddenly; a pitfall, or a snare. 2. any device, stratagem, or the like for catching one unawares: *I didn t want to fall… …  

  • trap — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a an enclosure or device, often baited, for catching animals, usu. by affording a way in but not a way out. b a device with bait for killing vermin, esp. = MOUSETRAP. 2 a trick betraying a person into speech or an act (is this… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Trap primer — A trap primer (or trap seal primer) is a plumbing device or valve that adds water to traps. The water seals in traps are needed to prevent sewer gases from entering buildings, but because this water is exposed to the air, it is subject to… …   Wikipedia

  • trap — I [[t]træp[/t]] n. v. trapped, trap•ping 1) a contrivance for catching game or other animals, as a mechanical device that springs shut suddenly 2) a device, stratagem, or trick for catching a person unawares 3) an unpleasant or confining… …   From formal English to slang

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