- lipography
- n пропуск буквы или слова при письме
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
lipography — lipographic /lip euh graf ik, luy peuh /, adj. /li pog reuh fee, luy /, n. unintentional omission in writing, as of a specific letter or syllable. [1885 90; LIPO 2 + GRAPHY] * * * … Universalium
lipography — li·pog·ra·phy … English syllables
lipography — /lɪˈpɒgrəfi/ (say li pogruhfee) noun the omission of words or letters in writing. {Greek lip(ein) to omit + o + graphy} …
lipography — n. accidental omission of a letter or syllable … Dictionary of difficult words
lipography — n. the omission of letters or words in writing. Etymology: Gk lip stem of leipo omit + GRAPHY … Useful english dictionary
lipo- — 1 a combining form meaning fat, used in the formation of compound words: lipolysis. Also, esp. before a vowel, lip . [comb. form repr. Gk lípos fat] lipo 2 a combining form meaning lacking, leaving, used in the formation of compound words:… … Universalium
λιπογραφία — η η εξ αμελείας ή απροσεξίας παράλειψη γράμματος ή συλλαβής κατά την γραφή. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Αντιδάνεια λ., πρβλ. αγγλ. lipography (< λιπ(ο) * + γραφή)] … Dictionary of Greek
lipo- — I. see lip II. combining form Etymology: French, from Late Latin, from Greek, from leipein to leave, be lacking more at loan 1 … Useful english dictionary