Смотреть что такое "lipofuscin" в других словарях:
lipofuscin — [lip΄ō fus′in, lī΄pōfus′in] n. any of a group of fatty pigments that are found in various body cells and are associated with aging … English World dictionary
Lipofuscin — Micrograph showing lipofuscin in a liver biopsy with ground glass hepatocytes. H E stain. Lipofuscin is the name given to finely granular yellow brown pigment granules[1] … Wikipedia
Lipofuscin — Lipofuszin, auch Lipofuscin, ist ein gelb braunes oxidiertes quervernetztes Aggregat, bestehend aus oxidierten Protein (30–58 %) und Lipidclustern (19–51 %), das sich besonders in Herzmuskel , Leber und Nervenzellen mit der Zeit akkumuliert.[1]… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lipofuscin — Li|po|fus|cin [↑ Lip lat. fuscus = dunkelbraun, schwärzlich; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: lipidhaltige, braune Abbau oder Abnutzungspigmente aus Lysosomen, die sich mit zunehmendem Lebensalter vermehrt in Zellen von Herz, Leber u. Nerven ablagern. * * * … Universal-Lexikon
lipofuscin — lipofuscinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Geltonas pigmentas, kuris kaupiasi senstančio žmogaus audiniuose. atitikmenys: angl. age pigment; lipofuscin rus. липофусцин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lipofuscin — Brown pigment characteristic of ageing. Found in lysosomes and is the product of peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and symptomatic, perhaps, of membrane damage rather than being deleterious in its own right … Dictionary of molecular biology
lipofuscin — /lip euh fus in, luy peuh /, n. Biochem. any of several brown pigments similar to melanin that accumulate in animal cells with age and are products of oxidation of lipids and lipoproteins. [1920 25; < G, equiv. to lipo LIPO 1 + L fusc(us) dark,… … Universalium
lipofuscin — noun Any of a family of pigmented lipid granules that accumulates in several body tissues … Wiktionary
lipofuscin — Brown pigment granules representing lipid containing residues of lysosomal digestion and considered one of the aging or “wear and tear” pigments; found in liver, kidney, heart muscle, adrenal, and ganglion cells. * * * li·po·fus·cin .lip ə fəs ən … Medical dictionary
lipofuscin — li·po·fus·cin … English syllables
lipofuscin — n. a brownish pigment staining with certain fat stains. It is most common in the cells of heart muscle, nerves, and liver and is normally contained within the lysosomes … The new mediacal dictionary