linolenic acid
Смотреть что такое "linolenic acid" в других словарях:
Linolenic acid — can refer to either of two fatty acids:*Alpha linolenic acid ndash; an ω 3 fatty acid found in many vegetable oils. The unmodified term linolenic acid most commonly refers to this substance. *Gamma linolenic acid ndash; an ω 6 fatty acid … Wikipedia
linolenic acid — [lin΄ō lē′nik, lin΄ōlen′ik] n. 〚/span> LINOL(EIC ACID) + EN(E) + IC〛 an unsaturated fatty acid, C17H29COOH, found as a glyceryl ester in fats and oils: used in drying oils, varnishes, resins, paints, etc. and considered essential in animal diets… … Universalium
linolenic acid — [lin΄ō lē′nik, lin΄ōlen′ik] n. [< LINOL(EIC ACID) + EN(E) + IC] an unsaturated fatty acid, C17H29COOH, found as a glyceryl ester in fats and oils: used in drying oils, varnishes, resins, paints, etc. and considered essential in animal diets … English World dictionary
linolenic acid — linoleno rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Nepakeičiamoji riebalų rūgštis. formulė CH₃(CH₂CH=CH)₃(CH₂)₇COOH atitikmenys: angl. linolenic acid rus. линоленовая кислота ryšiai: sinonimas – (Z,Z,Z) 9,12,15 oktadekatrieno rūgštis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
linolenic acid — 9,12,15 Octadecatrienoic acid (also referred to as α l); an unsaturated fatty acid that is essential in the nutrition of mammals. γ l. is 6,9,12 octadecatrienoic acid. * * * lin·ole·nic acid .lē nik , .lā n a liquid unsaturated fatty acid… … Medical dictionary
linolenic acid — [ˌlɪnə(ʊ) lɛnɪk, li:nɪk] noun Chemistry a polyunsaturated fatty acid of similar properties and occurrence to linoleic acid. Derivatives linolenate noun Origin C19: from Ger. Linolensäure, from Linolsäure linoleic acid , with the insertion of en… … English new terms dictionary
linolenic acid — noun a liquid polyunsaturated fatty acid that occurs in some plant oils; an essential fatty acid • Hypernyms: ↑omega 6 fatty acid, ↑omega 6 • Substance Holonyms: ↑linseed oil, ↑flaxseed oil, ↑soybean oil, ↑soyabean oil … Useful english dictionary
linolenic acid — An 18 carbon fatty acid with three double bonds (9, 12, 15, octadecatrienoic acid) and a and g isomers. Essential dietary component for mammals. See fatty acids … Dictionary of molecular biology
linolenic acid — noun an polyunsaturated fatty acid, having 18 carbon atoms and three double bonds, essential for human nutrition; it is found in linseed and other vegetable oils Syn: octadecatrienoic acid … Wiktionary
linolenic acid — lin′o•len′ic ac′id [[t]ˈlɪn lˈɛn ɪk, ˌlɪn [/t]] n. chem. an essential fatty acid, C18H30O2, used in medicine and drying oils • Etymology: < GLinolensӓure(1887), alter. ofLinolsӓure linoleic acid, by insertion of en ene … From formal English to slang
linolenic acid — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, irregular from linoleic Date: 1887 a liquid unsaturated fatty acid C18H30O2 found especially in drying oils (as linseed oil) and essential for the nutrition of some animals … New Collegiate Dictionary