Смотреть что такое "lingonberry" в других словарях:
lingonberry — ☆ lingonberry [liŋ′ən ber΄ē ] n. pl. lingonberries [< Swed lingon, lingonberry (akin to ON lyng, heather: see LING2) + BERRY] COWBERRY … English World dictionary
lingonberry — /ling euhn ber ee/, n., pl. lingonberries. See mountain cranberry (def. 1). [1950 55; < Sw lingon mountain cranberry + BERRY] * * * Fruit of a small creeping plant (Vaccinium vitis idaea) of the heath family, related to the blueberry and… … Universalium
lingonberry — paprastoji bruknė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Erikinių šeimos vaisinis, vaistinis augalas (Vaccinium vitis idaea), paplitęs Europoje, Azijoje ir Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Vaccinium vitis idaea angl. alpine cranberry;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
lingonberry — bruknė statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Uoginis erikinių (Ericaceae) šeimos augalas. Lietuvoje auga savaime. Yra išvesta derlingų, stambiomis uogomis veislių. Iš uogų verdamos uogienės. atitikmenys: lot. Vaccinium vitis idaea angl.… … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
Lingonberry jam — [ thumb|200px|Lingonberry jam on toast] Lingonberry jam ( lingonsylt ) is a staple food in Scandinavian cuisine. Because lingonberries are plentiful in the poor forested areas of the inland, and the jam is easy to prepare, has exceptionally good… … Wikipedia
lingonberry — noun Etymology: Swedish lingon mountain cranberry; akin to Old Norse lyng ling Date: 1920 the fruit of the mountain cranberry; also mountain cranberry … New Collegiate Dictionary
lingonberry — noun a) A shrub native of the cool temperate areas of northern hemisphere. b) The berry of that shrub. Syn: cowberry, csejka berry, foxberry, lowbush cranberry, mountain bilberry, mountain cranberry, partridgeberry, red whortleberry … Wiktionary
lingonberry — [ lɪŋg(ə)nˌb(ə)ri, ˌbɛri] noun (plural lingonberries) another term for cowberry. Origin 1950s: from Swed. lingon cowberry + berry … English new terms dictionary
lingonberry — ling·on·berry … English syllables
lingonberry — ling•on•ber•ry [[t]ˈlɪŋ ənˌbɛr i[/t]] n. pl. ries pln mountain cranberry • Etymology: 1950–55; < Sw lingon mountain cranberry +berry … From formal English to slang
lingonberry — /ˈlɪŋənbɛri/ (say linguhnberee) noun (plural lingonberries) → cowberry. Also, lingberry. {Swedish lingon + berry} …