linearized approximation

linearized approximation
мат. линеаризованное приближение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linearized approximation" в других словарях:

  • Linearized gravity — is an approximation scheme in general relativity in which the nonlinear contributions from the spacetime metric are ignored. This allows the study of many problems to be simplified. The methodIn linearized gravity, the metric tensor of spacetime… …   Wikipedia

  • General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources …   Wikipedia

  • Non-linear least squares — is the form of least squares analysis which is used to fit a set of m observations with a model that is non linear in n unknown parameters (m > n). It is used in some forms of non linear regression. The basis of the method is to… …   Wikipedia

  • Einstein field equations — General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources Fundamental concepts …   Wikipedia

  • Einstein–Cartan theory — in theoretical physics extends general relativity to correctly handle spin angular momentum. As the master theory of classical physics general relativity has one known flaw: it cannot describe spin orbit coupling , i.e., exchange of intrinsic… …   Wikipedia

  • Implicit solvation — (sometimes known as continuum solvation) is a method of representing solvent as a continuous medium instead of individual “explicit” solvent molecules most often used in molecular dynamics simulations and in other applications of molecular… …   Wikipedia

  • Linearization — In mathematics and its applications, linearization refers to finding the linear approximation to a function at a given point. In the study of dynamical systems, linearization is a method for assessing the local stability of an equilibrium point… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressible flow — is the area of fluid mechanics that deals with fluids in which the fluid density varies significantly in response to a change in pressure. Compressibility effects are typically considered significant if the Mach number (the ratio of the flow… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic wave equation — In physics, the acoustic wave equation governs the propagation of acoustic waves through a material medium. The form of the equation is a second order partial differential equation. The equation describes the evolution of acoustic pressure p or… …   Wikipedia

  • GF method — Wilson s GF method, sometimes referred to as FG method, is a classical mechanical method to obtain certain internal coordinates fora vibrating semi rigid molecule, the so called normal coordinates Q k. Normal coordinates decouple the classical… …   Wikipedia

  • Least squares — The method of least squares is a standard approach to the approximate solution of overdetermined systems, i.e., sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. Least squares means that the overall solution minimizes the sum of… …   Wikipedia

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