
дробно-линейный, дробнолинейный - linear-fractional mapping

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linear-fractional" в других словарях:

  • Linear Fractional Transformation — Eine Möbiustransformation, manchmal auch Möbiusabbildung genannt, bezeichnet in der Mathematik eine konforme Abbildung der riemannschen Zahlenkugel auf sich selbst. Sie ist benannt nach August Ferdinand Möbius. Die allgemeine Formel der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • linear fractional transformation — Math. See Möbius transformation. * * * …   Universalium

  • linear fractional transformation — Math. See Möbius transformation …   Useful english dictionary

  • Linear programming — (LP, or linear optimization) is a mathematical method for determining a way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model for some list of requirements represented as linear relationships.… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear programming relaxation — In mathematics, the linear programming relaxation of a 0 1 integer program is the problem that arises by replacing the constraint that each variable must be 0 or 1 by a weaker constraint, that each variable belong to the interval [0,1] .That is,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fractional coloring — A 4:2 coloring ofthis graph does not exist.] Fractional coloring is a topic in a young branch of graph theory known as fractional graph theory.It differs from the traditional graph coloring in the sense that it assigns sets of colors instead of… …   Wikipedia

  • Fractional Fourier transform — In mathematics, in the area of harmonic analysis, the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) is a linear transformation generalizing the Fourier transform. It can be thought of as the Fourier transform to the n th power where n need not be an… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear canonical transformation — Paraxial optical systems implemented entirely with thin lenses and propagation through free space and/or graded index (GRIN) media, are Quadratic Phase Systems (QPS). The effect of any arbitrary QPS on an input wavefield can be described using… …   Wikipedia

  • Fractional cascading — In computer science, fractional cascading is a technique to speed up a sequence of binary searches for the same value in a sequence of related data structures. The first binary search in the sequence takes a logarithmic amount of time, as is… …   Wikipedia

  • Focus recovery based on the linear canonical transform — Focus recovery from defocused image is an ill posed problem since it loses the component of high freqency. Most of the methods for focus revocery are based on depth estimation theory [Most of depth recovery methods are simply based on camera… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable fractional delay filter — Introduction= One important advantage of the variable digital filter is that the frequency characteristics, including the magnitude response and the phase response are tunable without re implementation of the filter. Variable fractional delay… …   Wikipedia

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