linear travel

linear travel

1. линейная скорость движения
2. окружная скорость коронки
3. скорость навивки каната (на барабан лебедки)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linear travel" в других словарях:

  • Linear Air — is a private air charter and air taxi service that is headquartered just outside of Boston in Concord, Massachusetts, near their home base, Hanscom Airfield. In 2004, Linear Air began an operation focused on addressing demand between the large… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear stage — A linear stage or translation stage is a component of a motion system used to restrict an object to a single axis of motion. The term linear slide is often used interchangeably with linear stage , though technically linear slide refers to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear actuator — TOC A linear actuator is a device that develops force and motion, from an available energy source, in a linear manner, as opposed to rotationally like an electric motor. There are various methods of achieving this linear motion. Several different …   Wikipedia

  • Linear canonical transformation — Paraxial optical systems implemented entirely with thin lenses and propagation through free space and/or graded index (GRIN) media, are Quadratic Phase Systems (QPS). The effect of any arbitrary QPS on an input wavefield can be described using… …   Wikipedia

  • linear accelerator — Physics. an accelerator in which particles are propelled in straight paths by the use of alternating electric voltages that are timed in such a way that the particles receive increasing increments of energy. Also called linac. [1930 35] * * * or… …   Universalium

  • linear — adj. 1 a of or in lines; in lines rather than masses (linear development). b of length (linear extent). 2 long and narrow and of uniform breadth. 3 involving one dimension only. Phrases and idioms: linear accelerator Physics an accelerator in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Linear variable differential transformer — The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement. The transformer has three solenoidal coils placed end to end around a tube. The centre coil is the primary, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • linear accelerator — noun Physics an accelerator in which particles travel in straight lines, not in closed orbits …   English new terms dictionary

  • linear accelerator — noun (C) technical a piece of equipment that makes particles (=small pieces of atoms) travel in a straight line at increasing speed …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • center-of-pressure travel — i. The linear distance the center of pressure travels along a chord over the entire range of angles of attack, ignoring the effects of compressibility and subsonic flow. The center of pressure moves forward as the angle of attack increases until… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Interdimensional hypothesis — The interdimensional hypothesis of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events, advanced by astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, holds that these phenomena are visitations from other universes (or dimensions) that coexist separately alongside …   Wikipedia

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