- linear superposition
- мат. линейная суперпозиция
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Superposition principle — In physics and systems theory, the superposition principle, also known as superposition property, states that, for all linear systems,: The net response at a given place and time caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses which… … Wikipedia
Linear — The word linear comes from the Latin word linearis , which means created by lines .In advanced mathematics, a linear map or function f ( x ) is a function which satisfies the following two properties:* Additivity (also called the superposition… … Wikipedia
Linear system — A linear system is a mathematical model of a system based on the use of a linear operator.Linear systems typically exhibit features and properties that are much simpler than the general, nonlinear case.As a mathematical abstraction or… … Wikipedia
Linear differential equation — In mathematics, a linear differential equation is a differential equation of the form: Ly = f ,where the differential operator L is a linear operator, y is the unknown function, and the right hand side fnof; is a given function (called the source … Wikipedia
Superposition theorem — The superposition theorem for electrical circuits states that the total current in any branch of a bilateral linear circuit equals the algebraic sum of the currents produced by each source acting separately throughout the circuit.To ascertain the … Wikipedia
Linear circuit — A linear circuit is an electric circuit in which, for a sinusoidal input voltage of frequency f , any output of the circuit (current through any component, voltage across any component, etc.) is also sinusoidal with frequency f . Note that the… … Wikipedia
Superposition (Mathematik) — Unter Superpositionseigenschaft oder Superpositionsprinzip (von lat. super und positio; dt. Überlagerung) versteht man in der Mathematik eine Grundeigenschaft homogener linearer Gleichungen, nach der alle Linearkombinationen von Lösungen der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Linear combination of atomic orbitals molecular orbital method — A linear combination of atomic orbitals or LCAO is a quantum superposition of atomic orbitals and a technique for calculating molecular orbitals in quantum chemistry [Huheey, James. Inorganic Chemistry:Principles of Structure and Reactivity ] .… … Wikipedia
superposition principle — noun The principle that a linear combination of two or more solutions of an equation is itself a solution; it is a feature of many physical laws … Wiktionary
Quantum superposition — is the fundamental law of quantum mechanics. It defines the allowed state space of a quantum mechanical system.In Probability theory, every possible event has a positive number associated to it, the probability, which gives the chance that it… … Wikipedia
Konjugiert linear — Als Semilinearform bezeichnet man in der linearen Algebra eine semilineare Abbildung aus einem Vektorraum in den diesem zugrundeliegenden Skalarkörper; relevant sind Semilinearformen lediglich über dem Körper C der komplexen Zahlen. Eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia