linear sand section
Смотреть что такое "linear sand section" в других словарях:
Sand Hill Road — is a road in Menlo Park, California, notable for the concentration of venture capital companies there. [Holson, Laura M. Still Feeding An Internet Frenzy. New York Times , June 6 1999, sec. BU, p. 1.] Its significance as a symbol of private… … Wikipedia
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center — The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) is a United States Department of Energy National Laboratory operated by Stanford University under the programmatic direction of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SLAC research… … Wikipedia
линейный пласт — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN linear sand section … Справочник технического переводчика
Adam's Bridge — (Tamil: ta. ஆதாம் பாலம் transl|ta|āthām pālam ), also known as Rama s Bridge or Ram Setu (Tamil: ta. இராமர் பாலம் transl|ta|irāmar pālam , Sanskrit: sa. रामसेतु IAST|rāmasetu ) [also spelled Rama Setu , Ram Sethu , Ramasethu and variants.] , is a … Wikipedia
Stamp mill — Section of Quincy Mine unit operations diagram showing Allis Steam Stamp Mill A stamp mill (or stamp battery or stamping mill) is a type of mill machine that crushes material by pounding rather than grinding, either for further processing or for… … Wikipedia
river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
painting — /payn ting/, n. 1. a picture or design executed in paints. 2. the act, art, or work of a person who paints. 3. the works of art painted in a particular manner, place, or period: a book on Flemish painting. 4. an instance of covering a surface… … Universalium
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Stereology — (from Greek stereos = solid) was originally defined as the spatial interpretation of sections . It is an interdisciplinary field that is largely concerned with the three dimensional interpretation of planar sections of materials or tissues. It… … Wikipedia