linear polymer

linear polymer
линейный полимер

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "linear polymer" в других словарях:

  • linear polymer — linijinis polimeras statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Polimeras, susidedantis iš nešakotų makromolekulių. atitikmenys: angl. linear polymer rus. линейный полимер …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Linear low-density polyethylene — (LLDPE) is a substantially linear polymer (polyethylene), with significant numbers of short branches, commonly made by copolymerization of ethylene with longer chain olefins. Linear low density polyethylene differs structurally from conventional… …   Wikipedia

  • Polymer — Appearance of real linear polymer chains as recorded using an atomic force microscope on surface under liquid medium. Chain contour length for this polymer is 204 nm; thickness is 0.4 nm.[1] A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule …   Wikipedia

  • polymer — /pol euh meuhr/, n. Chem. 1. a compound of high molecular weight derived either by the addition of many smaller molecules, as polyethylene, or by the condensation of many smaller molecules with the elimination of water, alcohol, or the like, as… …   Universalium

  • Polymer turbulence drag reduction — In 1948 Toms discovered by experiments that the addition of a small amount of polymer into a turbulent Newtonian solvent (parts per million by weight), whichresults in a Non Newtonian fluid solution, can reduce the skin fictional drag on a… …   Wikipedia

  • Polymer nanocomposite — Polymer nanoscience is the study and application of nanoscience to polymer nanoparticle matrices, where nanoparticles are those with at least one dimension of less than 100 nm. Contents 1 Nanopolymers 2 Bio hybrid polymer nanofibers 2.1 Bio… …   Wikipedia

  • Polymer characterization — is the analytical branch of polymer science.The discipline is concerned with the characterization of polymeric materials on a variety of levels. The characterization typically has as a goal to improve the performance of the material which implies …   Wikipedia

  • Linear-motion bearing — A linear motion bearing or slide is a bearing designed to provide free motion in one dimension. There are many different types of linear motion bearings and this family of products is generally broken down into two sub categories: rolling element …   Wikipedia

  • Polymer field theory — A polymer field theory within the framework of statistical mechanics is a statistical field theory, describing the statistical behavior of a neutral or charged polymer system within the field theoretic approach.It can be derived by transforming… …   Wikipedia

  • polymer, inorganic — Introduction  any of a class of large molecules that lack carbon and are polymers that is, made up of many small repeating units called monomers (monomer). The word polymer is derived from the Greek term poly, meaning many, and meros, which means …   Universalium

  • Spherulite (polymer physics) — In polymer physics, spherulites are spherical semi crystalline regions inside non branched linear polymers.When a liquid linear polymer (such as polyethylene) is cooled down slowly, the polymer strings take on a certain orderly configuration :… …   Wikipedia

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